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A purely functional implementation of the Coroutine monad, in TypeScript.

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Coroutine Monad in TypeScript

A purely functional implementation of the Coroutine monad in TypeScript, inspired by Haskell's monadic Coroutine and IO and Scala's Cats IO and ZIO implementations.

How does it work?

In essence, a Coroutine is nothing more but a building block that is used to break down algorithms into steps that can be scheduled and ran at different points in time. It works similarily to an iterator, which has client code call next on the iterator to provide the next value in the collection. The key difference here, is that the Coroutine safely captures errors and is lazily evaluated. Lazy evaluation is achieved through wrapping of effects, which turns entire programs into values. With each effect being wrapped, we form a chain of actions that we have more fine-grained control over. This is useful for applications such as games, which often suffer from many CPU-intensive algorithms running all at once, which may affect the frame rate of the graphics rendering. By using an ancient concept known as coroutines, these algorithms can be broken down into 'simulation steps' and scheduled to run at some point in time to retain a healthy frame rate.

The generic type signature of the Coroutine is as followed:

type Coroutine<S, E, A>


  • S stands for the state the Coroutine is to operate on.
  • E represents the type of error the algorithm may raise (should one occur)
  • A is the type of result the algorithm produces.


The basic usage is to wrap your algorithm with the effect, transform or compute operators. For example:

let program = compute<MyCounter, string, number>(s => s.count + 1)

However, the reality is that programs are instructions that run one after another. So we need a way to run effects in a sequence. This can be achieved through the bind operator:

let program = locateToilet()
    .bind(toiletLocation => walkTo(toiletLocation)
    .bind(() => faceToilet(toiletLocation)))

The flatMap alias for bind is also provided.

Should you already have a value, it can be lifted into a Coroutine through the succeed operator:

let program = succeed({ id: 1, name: "John", surName: "Doe" })

Note however that invoking an unsafe function to produce a value to pass to the Coroutine, may cause undefined behaviour.

Constructor support for the Option and Either types is also provided:

let programA: Coroutine<MyState, Unit, number> = fromOption(Some(1))
let programB: Coroutine<MyState, string, number> = fromEither(left().invoke("Failed!"))

A Coroutine can also be created in a failed state:

let program = fail<Unit, string, number>("BOOM!!")

In some cases, you may want to apply an effect onto each element in a List. This is possible through forEach:

let double = (n: number) => succeed(n * 2)

let values = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4)
let program: Coroutine<Unit, Unit, List<number>> = forEach<Unit, Unit, number, number>(values)(number => double(number))

Alternative strategies are also supported, through the orElse operator:

let getAccountFromDb = (id: AccountId): Coroutine<Unit, AccountError, Option<Account>> => throw new Error("TODO")
let getAccountFromMemStore = (id: AccountId): Coroutine<Unit, AccountError, Option<Account>> => throw new Error("TODO")

let program = getAccountFromMemStore(id).orElse(getAccountFromDb(id))

It is also possible to continuously retry an effect for numerous times or fallback to a default value:

let program = computation.retry(10).orElse(defaultValue) 

You can also zip an effect with another, creating a Coroutine that produces a Pair of the two produced values.

let program: Coroutine<State, string, Pair<ResultA, ResultB>> =

The zip combinator, does operate sequentially however. The combined effect will return an error if either side fails.


Is as easy as:


Sometimes we don't know how many repetitions we need. So simply repeating an effect until a state satisfies (or does not satisfy) a predicate works as well:

program.repeatUntil<MyCounter, string>(s => s.count >= 10)
program.repeatWhile<MyCounter, string>(s => s.count < 10)

repeatUntil and repeatWhile ignore the successful results of each repetition however. If you wish to get the result of each repetition, make use of collectWhile or collectUntil.

An effect can also be replicated numerous times:

let program: List<Coroutine<MyCounter, string, number>> = myEffect.replicate(10)


Coroutines are built for cooperative interruptions, which are often labelled as suspensions, to allow CPU-intensive programs to consist of simulation steps that can be ran, interrupted and resumed later in time.

let program = putStrLn("First print!")
    .bind(() => putStrLn("Second print!"))
    .bind(() => putStrLn("Third print!"))

The program described above when executed, first prints the 'First print!', suspends once and when resumed again, it is to print 'Second print!' and then suspends yet again and when finally resumed, it is to print 'Third print' which is to finish our program.


Delays are also supported, which allow you to delay effects for a certain amount of time.

let program = wait(5).bind(() => putStrLn("Hello World"))

The program described above, delays for five ticks and then prints Hello World. But how does this work? Does the library have its own scheduler? No, it does not. That is completely up to you. You decide when in time, the effect should resolve because, under the hood, the wait call does nothing but suspend N times.


Effects can also be raced:

let programA = wait(3).bind(() => succeed(1))
let programB = wait(5).bind(() => succeed(2))
let program = programA.raceAgainst(programB) // Returns Either<1, 2> when done

And also ran in parallel:

let programA = succeed(1)
let programB = wait(1).bind(() => succeed(2))
let program = programA.inParallelWith(programB) // Returns Pair<1, 2> when done

As assumed, the program does not finish until both processes have completed computing a result. The coroutine is interrupted is either Coroutines fail.


All of the operators can be combined to create complex sequences of actions in a declarative fashion.

let program = wait<Player>(5)
    .bind(() => transform(plr => plr.damage(5).boost(MagicAccuracy)))
    .bind(() => transform(plr => plr.message("The Staff of Doom has absorbed some of your lifepoints.")))
    .repeatWhile(plr => plr.isWieldingItem(staffOfDoom))


In functional programming, the idea is to push all unsafe operations towards the edge of the world (such as your entry point). This way, the rest of your application can remain pure, referentially transparent and most important of all, composable. Now that you've learned how to build programs out of Coroutines, you need to execute them. This can be done by calling unsafeRun with the Coroutine you wish to invoke, which will return either a suspension point or the final result of the Coroutine:

let program: Coroutine<Unit, string, SomeValue> = fail("BOOM!")
let result = unsafeRun(program, {}) // throws an error here and thus never reaches the condition below.
if (result.kind == "left") {
    // our program has reached a suspension point.
} else {
    // our program has succeeded!

Note that errors of type E captured by the Coroutine are provided as part of a thrown Error within the error message when unsafeRun is called.


A purely functional implementation of the Coroutine monad, in TypeScript.







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