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A crawler which crawls all pages including redirecting pages and simulated by PhantomJS. And a ML random forest for detect malware website.


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Headless Browser Simulate / Redirect Browser

This crawler inside /browser_simulator will crawl all pages including redirect pages. For example, r1.html redirects to r2.html then to r3.html. The crawler will crawl r1.html, r2.html, and r3.html with [HTTP:200] and ignores [HTTP:300] status code. Instead, it will retrieve redirect links in the HTML pages or JS files to maunally redirect.

1 Crawlers

1.1 HTML Redirect Crawler

  • This is a test version.
  • HTML redirect is based on meta element meta[@http-equiv="refresh" and @content]/@content.
  • Need to make it robust.

1.2 JS Redirect Crawler

  • JS has too many possible ways to do redirects. It can be scripts embeded in HTML page, or in a single JS files.
  • Currently, the crawler will try to look for window.location.href first. If not existed, then all JS files will be parsed and if //script[@type="text/javascript" and @src]/@src exist, redirects will be marked as true.
  • Need to make it suitable for as many as redirect ways possible.

1.3 Headless Browser Simulator Crawler

  • For some pages, if directly crawl all HTML elements, then some parts may be ingored since JS will render those part.
  • Instead of using default Selector in the Scrapy, selenium and PhantomJS is used inside Scrapy to crawl pages rendered by JS.
  • May use CasperJS in the future. But currently, selenium only supports PhantomJS.

1.4 All-in-one Crawler

  • There are still some problems in it. Currently, the JS redirect cannot be simulated by Phantom JS. To be specific, I cannot stop redirecting in Phantom.
  • For some pages, the CSV output is really wried. This will be solved in the future.
  • NOTE: the page sources crawled is all rendered by PhantomJS. Scrapy Spider is only used for finding the redirect link in JS files.

2 Installation

2.1 Requirements

  • environment_readme.txt is provided that Python, Scrapy in Python, NodeJS, and PhantomJS in NodeJS is needed for running the program.

2.2 To Start

  • Tp start a spider, in the /browser_simulator directory, typing scrapy crawl spider-name to start.
  • scrapy-name can be all_in_one_spider, headless_spider, html_redirect_spider, and js_redirect_spider.

3 Todo

  • Fix PhantomJS failed to stop redirect function.
  • Wirte a new middleware of saving data. Currently, CSV for big webpages will be shown in messy.
  • Robust improvement.

Good Software Download Crawler

The crawler inside /browser_simulator will try to cralw download links for good software (only exe) for CNET, and Firehourse. Only the most popular ones will be crawled.

1 Specifications

1.1 CNET

All links will be located at section. The start page and end page can be customized.

1.2 Firehorse

All links will be located at section. The start page and end page can be customized.

1.3 Spider Types

A normal crawler, PhantomJS with Selenium crawler are provided based on the preferences.

2 Installation

This section is almost the same as Headless Browser Simulate / Redirect Browser. Please refer to the above section for details.

Decision Trees for Malware Detection

1 Data

Data are all csv files or xslx files. But to be noted that only csv files can be used in ML.

2 Installation

2.1 Requirements

  • Python 2.7.10
  • numpy module in Python is needed for running.

2.2 Running the decision tree

from RandomForest import MachineLearning

ml = MachineLearning() # will start to training the ree # predicting a tuple of data, the data can be gathered from user

3 Some Configurations

  • line #27, control depth of the tree.
  • line #77, using binary split.
  • line #441, control percentage of good data in each training set.

Updated by YH @ Apr 19, 2017.


A crawler which crawls all pages including redirecting pages and simulated by PhantomJS. And a ML random forest for detect malware website.








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