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Environment built with Docker Compose

This is a basic environment built using Docker Compose. It consists following:

service version Port
Nginx latest 80, 443
Nodejs latest
Yarn latest
PHP 5.6.X, 7.1.X, 7.4.X 9056, 9071, 9074
MariaDb latest 3306
Mongodb 4.0 27017, 37017
Redis latest 6379
ElasticSearch 6.8.2 9200, 9300
Supervisor latest
RabbitMQ latest 5672, 15672

Note: As of now, we have 3 different port for different PHP versions. Use appropriate port as per your php version need: 9056, 9071, 9074


  • Install Docker >= 18.06.1-ce
  • Install Docker compose >= 1.22.0

Before anything, you need to make sure you have Docker properly setup in your environment. For that, refer to the official documentation for both Docker and Docker Compose.


You are up and running in three simple steps:

$ git clone services_develop
$ cd services_develop
$ bash/


  • Create config nginx in folder nginx/conf.d with name example.conf
server {
    listen [::]:80;
    listen 80;

    # The host name to respond to
    server_name example.local www.example.local;

    # Path for static files
    root /var/www;

    # Custom error pages
    include h5bp/errors/custom_errors.conf;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

    # change filename if use PHP version other
    # php5.conf or php71.conf or php74.conf
    include php74.conf;

    # Include the basic h5bp config set
    include h5bp/basic.conf;

add Host

$ echo ' example.local www.example.local' >> /etc/hosts

Services is now ready!! You can access it via http://example.local


  • Adminer
  • phpMyAdmin
  • phpRedisAdmin
  • Rockmongo


Build and start docker compose

$ cd <folder-docker>
$ docker-compose up --build

Run with Docker Compose

$ docker-compose up -d

List container run

$ docker ps

Attach container to debug

$ docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash

Install and Using Nodejs in container nginx

$ docker exec <container_nginx_id> sh /