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Assignment - 03

Steps to create Dev and Demo profiles for resource creation using AWS Cloud Formation

  1. Sign-in to AWS (Dev Account) console
  2. Create a user with administrative privileges in IAM
  3. Go to the Security credentials of the user created, and save the Access key Id and Secret Id
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 by signing in to AWS(Demo Account) as well
  5. Install CLI from and run aws --version to check if the installation is done right.
  6. In the terminal run, cd ~ and cd .aws commands
  7. Now run aws configure
  8. Enter the Access key ID , Secret Access Key from Dev account user credentials (From step 2 and 3)
  9. Enter the Default region name (Mostly us-east-1) and Output Format ( json or yml ) fields
  10. aws configure --profile=dev will create a dev profile, and repeat the step number 8.
  11. aws configure --profile=demo will create a demo profile, and repeat the step number 8 with demo account credentials.
  12. vi config or vi credentials

Describe VPCs

  • aws --profile=dev ec2 describe-vpcs
  • Also, we can use export AWS_PROFILE=dev or export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 and then run aws ec2 describe-vpcs
  • Use env to verify the profile and other detail

AWS Networking Commands

  • To create a stack : aws cloudformation deploy --profile dev --stack-name test1 --region us-east-2 --template-file ./csye6225-infra.yml
  • change profile and region parameters in the above command as per the use
  • To delete the stack, use the command : aws cloudformation delete-stack --profile dev --stack-name test1 --region us-east-2

Assignment - 05

  • The goal of this assignment is to: create an EC2 instance, attach the RDS instance profile to it and use the MYSQL available in the AWS.
  • The flow is :
    • Create3 private subnets in the existing VPC
    • Created a private route table and necessary route table association for private subnets
    • Created a DB subnet group referencing all 3 private subnets
    • Created a EC2 security group(For RDS),which has the reference to application security group created in Assignment-03. It has a inbound
    • Create a RDS instance and attach the parameter group , subnet group and EC2 security group(For RDS) to it
    • Create a policy to create, get and delete the objects and create an IAM role; Attach the policy to the newly created IAM role.
    • Create a Instance profile for S3 bucket which has the reference to the S3 bucket and attach the IAM role to this profile
    • Now Add the RDS Instance and S3 bucket profile to the EC2 Instance

Commands to create stack

  • Create a stack aws cloudformation deploy --profile dev --stack-name assignment5 --region us-west-2 --template-file ./csye6225-infra.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  • Delete a stack aws cloudformation delete-stack --profile dev --stack-name test1 --region us-east-2
  • Delete S3 Bucket aws s3 rm s3:// --recursive
  • aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://Templates/csye6225-infra.yml --region us-west-2 To validate the template

Assignment - 06

  • The goal of this assignment is to create a load balancer that dynamically creates the VMs or instances based on the CPU utilization.
  • The launch instance will have the AMI to refer to and the user data required to create new database in the RDS instance
  • An autoscaling group created will refer to the launch instance and it lives in the public subnets
  • Autoscaling groups attached to the Load balancer target group helps declare instances. We can define min, max an desired number of instances
  • Autoscaling policies can be attached to autoscaling group. Policy contains the rules for triggering the new or reducing the existing instance


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