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Assignment 1

This assignment solution is the implementation of a web application using a technology stack that meets Cloud-Native Web Application Requirements. It uses Express (a Node.js web application framework) to build the web application.

How to install, run and test the application?

To install

npm install

To start the application

npm start

To run all the unit tests

npm test

The application uses express module's router to create the routes and uses http module to create the http server (exposed at port 3000). The application implements the api specified in the Swagger Doc. The application uses jest and supertest modules to run unit tests to validate the endpoints and few other scenarios. The application returns proper http status codes based as per Http Status Codes

A proper .gitignore is created for ignoring node & vscode related build and config files which are not necessary to be checked in to the version control.

When we run this application using the npm start command, it starts the server locally, available at http://localhost:3000 which cab be tested via postman.

An automated workflow is created via github actions to run the unit tests via the file node.js.yml which has jobs to create node js environment in ubuntu os. Then it installs the node application and runs all the tests. This action is triggered whenever a pull request or push to main branch is done.

Also, branch protection is added in the upstream repo where unless all the workflows run successfully, it doesn't allow the Pull Request to merge to the main branch.

Assignment 2

This assignment solution includes the followings technology and commands:

  1. A Token-based web authentication called basic authentication is used at the authenticating end point, for the user to access the page

  2. password hashing technology is used to hash the password and save in the database

  3. salt is used to retrieve the passwords from hashed passwords, from the database when a user is trying to login/authenticate

  4. npm install --save bcrypt is used to install the dependencies for the above said feature to be functional

  5. MySQL is used as the relational database and Sequilize is used as the ORM(object relational mapping) tool, this tool to map and communicate between objects and relational database systems. This provides good flexibility in connecting, storing and accessing the data

  6. npm install --save sequilize and npm install --save mysql2 are the commands used to install and save the dependencies related to sequilize and mySQL

Work Flow

  1. Every time when a user is created, the valid username, hashed password, first_name, last_names, createdAt(Time and Date) and updatedAt(Time and Date) are saved in db.

  2. For every GET method the user has to provide the username and password as an authentication. The hashed password saved in the db will be then decrypted and compared with the password(Entered by the user). If that matches, then login is successful otherwise returns an error unauthorized user

  3. To Update any fields in the user information, first the login should be legit. What I mean is, the user details should be present in the db, Later if the user wants change any fields ( password, first_name and last _name fields only) can be allowed.

Assignment 4

Work Flow : There are several stages involved in this assignment

Stage 1 : Packer file to create AMI in the AWS Console

  1. Using the packer file format, aws-ami.pkr.hcl is written, To add show the same AMI in demo account ami_users properties also used in source of the file.
  2. We need to install MySQL, node.js, unzip in the Vm we are creating, therefore we need to include the commands to do the same in our packer as well. scripts (.sh) file has all the commands those will install the required applications and packages.
  3. Any special variables can be saved in the packervariables.json file
  4. To format the file use packer fmt . command.
  5. To validate the packer use packer validate .
  6. To run the packer file use packer build aws-ami.pkr.hcl
  7. To run thr packer with variable parse the argument packer build -var-file='/Users/soumyanayar/NEU/Spring 2022/Cloud Computing/webservice/packervariables.json' aws-ami.pkr.hcl

Stage 2: Github actions

  1. To automate the AMI building in the AWS console enable the github actions when pull request merges with main branch

Stage 3: When the build completes in the github actions

  1. Go to the AWS EC2 console and check for AMI(Private) and copy the ami-id

Stage 4: CloudFormation

  1. Go to infrastructure repo and paste the ami-id in the AMI parameter
  2. And deploy the cloudformation using aws cloudformation deploy --profile dev --stack-name final1 --region us-west-2 --template-file ./csye6225-infra.yml

Stage 5: Web application

  1. Go the instance that runs with the stack-name and copy the public_ip_address
  2. Now got the postman app and pass public_ip_address:3000/healthz and other end points to check whether the web application is running

Assignment 5

  1. New API POST for /v1/user/self/pic will let an authenticated user to upload a profile picture
  2. GET for /v1/user/self/pic will get the profile picture for the authenticated user
  3. DELETE for /v1/user/self/pic will delete the profile picture
  4. $ npm install --save multer command to install the multer package. This will allow us to do the GET, POST and DELETE operation on image's URL saved in S# bucket of AWS
  5. Removed the locally installed MYSQL, RDS Instance in AWS will be used to save the data from the web application
  6. Used aws-sdk/clients/s3 to make a call to s3 bucket and the same is installed using npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3.

Assignment 6

  1. Load testing is added to the repo to test the load balancer

Assignment 7

  1. Installing the Code Deploying Agent in AMI packer file
  2. A S3 bucket is created in AWS console and has the policy to store the artifacts generated.

Assignment 10

  1. AWS CLI for importing the certificate aws acm import-certificate --certificate fileb://demo_soumyanayar_me.crt --certificate-chain fileb:// --private-key fileb://private.key --region us-west-2


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