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Python practice, assignments and practicals


  1. Python Program for factorial and fibonacci of a number. View
  2. Python Program to check Armstrong Number. View
  3. Program to print ASCII Value of a character. View
  4. Python Program to create a function that finds the largest element in an array. View
  5. Python Program to Split the array and add the first part to the end. View
  6. Python program to swap two elements in a list. View
  7. Python program to remove the Nth occurrence of the given word. View
  8. Remove multiple elements from a list in Python. View


The following algorithms are available in the algorithms directory:

Brute Force Sorting

Bubble Sort

Fractional Knapsack

Mice into Holes

Insertion Sort

Iterative Binary Search

Linear Search

Linked List

Matrix Multiplication

Merge Sort Optimized

Merge Sort

Merging Sorted Arrays

Palindromic Matrix Paths

  • Finds palindromic paths in a matrix using dynamic programming.
  • View Source Code

Recursive Permutation

Recursive Factorial

Recursive Binary Search

Strassen's Algorithm (Recursive)

  • Implements Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication recursively.
  • View Source Code

Strassen's Algorithm (Iterative)

  • Implements Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication iteratively.
  • View Source Code

Traveling Salesman Problem (Dynamic Programming)

  • Solves the Traveling Salesman Problem using dynamic programming.
  • View Source Code

Ugly Number (Dynamic Programming)

Ugly Numbers

For detailed explanations and implementations of the above algorithms, please refer to the respective files in the algorithms directory.