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Ready to Use Advanced Industry level Spring Boot Tempelate that contains all the advanced configuration setup like Swagger, API caching, Correlation, Token based Autharization and Authentication, Various Filters, AOT based logging, etc

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Advanced Spring Boot Template Application

This project is a comprehensive Spring Boot template designed to serve as a robust foundation for any Spring Boot-based application. It incorporates industry-standard configurations and features, providing a scalable, secure, and high-performance starting point.


1. Security and Authentication

  • JWT Authentication: Implemented Spring Security using JWT tokens for stateless authentication.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Configured roles and access controls for different API endpoints.
  • CSRF Protection: Enabled for stateful web applications (e.g., forms). Disabled for stateless REST APIs secured with JWT tokens, where CSRF protection is not necessary.

2. API Documentation

  • Swagger/OpenAPI: Configured Swagger for API documentation to provide a user-friendly interface for exploring and testing APIs.

3. Database Integration

  • JPA/Hibernate: Set up JPA for ORM and database interaction to ensure smooth data persistence.

4. Exception Handling

  • Global Exception Handling: Centralized exception handling using @ControllerAdvice, allowing for consistent error responses across the application.

5. Logging and Monitoring

  • Spring Boot Actuator: Integrated Actuator to monitor the application’s health and performance metrics.
  • SLF4J with Log4j2: Configured for advanced logging capabilities, providing detailed logs for easier debugging and analysis.

6. Configuration Management

  • External Configuration: Managed externalized configurations using and application.yml for flexible environment-specific settings.
  • Profiles: Configured environment-specific profiles (dev, test, and prod) to handle different runtime configurations.

7. Asynchronous Processing

  • Spring Async: Implemented asynchronous task execution using @Async to improve performance and scalability where applicable.
  • Scheduling: Enabled scheduled task execution using @Scheduled for periodic jobs.

8. Caching

  • Spring Cache: Integrated Spring Cache abstraction to enhance performance by caching frequently accessed data.
  • Cache Providers: Configured with cache providers like Ehcache or Redis for optimized caching solutions.

9. File Handling

  • AWS S3 Integration: Integrated AWS S3 for storing and retrieving profile pictures, ensuring reliable and scalable file storage.

10. Email Integration

  • Spring Email: Configured email sending using Spring Email to facilitate user notifications, such as account activation and password reset emails.

11. WebSocket Support

  • Spring WebSocket: Implemented real-time communication using WebSockets. Though not utilized in the current project, the WebSocket configuration is ready for future extensions.

12. Correlation ID

  • Correlation ID Header: Added correlation IDs to all API headers to track requests across services and ensure better traceability.

Getting Started


  • Java 11 or higher
  • Maven
  • AWS credentials for S3 integration
  • SMTP server for email integration


    1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd advanced-spring-boot-template
    1. Configure the application properties: Update the or application.yml with your environment-specific settings, including database connections, S3 credentials, and email server configurations.
    1. Build and run the application:
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run

API Documentation

The Swagger UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html, where you can explore and test the available APIs.

Additional Resources

For a detailed checklist of the key components integrated and to be implemented in the future into this project, please refer to the Project Checklist PDF.


Ready to Use Advanced Industry level Spring Boot Tempelate that contains all the advanced configuration setup like Swagger, API caching, Correlation, Token based Autharization and Authentication, Various Filters, AOT based logging, etc





