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Become a sponsor to Guy Sheffer

👋 Hey I am Guy, also known as GuySoft,
I'm mostly known for being the creator and main developer of OctoPi and CustomPiOS.

What is OctoPi?

“OctoPi”, a RaspberryPi and other SBCs SD card image for the includes OctoPrint plus everything you need to run it

What is CustomPiOS?

A Raspberry Pi and other ARM devices distribution builder. CustomPiOS opens an already existing image, modifies it and repackages the image ready to ship. You could think of it as the library to build other images.

Why sponsor?

I write all this software 100% in my free time and give it away as free open source software. You support is what lets me keep this going every little donation counts when it comes to keeping up my enthusiasm.

2 sponsors have funded guysoft’s work.


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