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Central Dogma of Biology

Input genetic codes and obtain the results of various genetic processes!


  • Exhibits DNA replication, RNA replication, transcription, reverse transcription and translation.
  • Displays codons and anticodons

DNA → RNA → Protein

This ↑ is the central dogma of biology: DNA codes for RNA which codes for protein...

Actually, it's not that simple. For example, introns in DNA are spiced out from pre-mRNA; only the exons get exported to mRNA. And not all RNA codes for protein; consider tRNAs, snRNAs and microRNAs. Still the general concept of genetic codes reflects the wonder of life: small, limited sets of molecules can carry all the information required for creating an organism.

Hopefully this software program gives an insight into the genetic program behind living things.

Codon data from ncbi genetic codes

Made with ♥️, ReasonML and OCaml.