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🚨 🚧  Work In Progress  🚧 🚨


CodeLAb assignment-02 code base that belongs to my office work. This is regarding RAPID training project based on Angular,NodeJS.  :boat: :boat: Here, each and every examples has implemented based on Java and JavaScript.

  1. Algorithms and Data Structures

      Data structure brings out organizing the data in memory since algorithm is a collection of steps to solve particular problem. Here, I have brought out few sorting and searching algorithms to overcome above scenario.

  2. Practical Tasks 01

    • Java
    • JavaScript
      Below Four practical Questions have implemented in single NodeJS server using Express
  3. Find Anagram

    • Java
    • JavaScript

    Using two stirng input need to find these input are angram or not

  4. Find Missing Number

    • Java
    • JavaScript

    Using mixed sequence number array need to find missing number in given number array

  5. Find Third Largest Number

    • Java
    • JavaScript

    Using mixed int array need to find 3rd larger number in given number array

  6. Letter Repitition of Sentence

    • Java
    • JavaScript

    Using given sentence need to count how meny repitition in each letter.

  7. Number Reverse without String Functions

    • Java
    • JavaScript

    User can insert single number or number of array. then each numbers reverse and display

  8. Binary Search Tree

    • Print all leaf nodes
    • Inorder tree traversal - DFS
    • PreOrder tree traversal - DFS
    • PostOrder tree traversal - DFS
      • Java
      • JavaScript
  9. Angular Tasks

  10. Nest JS and Angular Tasks