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Submitting an issue

Gert Driesen edited this page Feb 7, 2016 · 1 revision

Before you submit an issue report, please ensure you are using the latest release of SSH.NET. If you are already using the latest release, then download and compile the latest source dode. Don't forget to update your project(s) reference(s).

Additionally, try to narrow down the problem by creating a very simple example that reproduces the problem you have. This is an important step, because it will eliminate most issues relating from other code that might influence the behavior of SSH.NET.

Please use the template below when submitting a new issue report. It will provide the necessary details for a more precise understanding of the problem you have.

Just copy everything between the 2 lines and paste them into the description of the issue.

Remote Server Information

Remote SSH Server version:
Remote Operating System distribution name and architecture (x32/x64):
What kind of access do you have?:
Does Putty/WinSCP work?:

Local Machine Information

Operating System (for Windows, run winver.exe):
.NET Framework versions installed (See C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.Net\Framework):

Project information

What is your target framework and architecture (x32/x64)?:
Is your project multi-threaded/complex?:

Source Code

Sample Code:
Exceptions and Stack Trace/Call Stack:

File transfer related

Transfer over LAN or Internet?:
File size in bytes:
Uploading or Downloading?
Does remote server have enough space to store the file?
Do you have access to the file being uploaded or downloaded?

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