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Bulma Publishing Website using Angular

This Angular website was created using the project built in the book Creating Interfaces with Bulma written by Jeremy Thomas, the creator of Bulma, Oleksii Potiekhin, Mikko Lauhakari, Aslam Shah, and David Berning. I was delighted to be a part of this book's development as a technical reviewer. Bulma is a 100% responsive, CSS-only framework based on CSS Flexbox with simple syntax for easy integration into web design and development projects.

Bulma Publishing Website

Versions Used

Website Features

This website was designed to showcase the features of Bulma using Angular to make it interactive. There is no persistent data storage (except for the login screen) or use of a database. As a result, using the Quick Add feature in the books, customers, and orders pages can be used to generate webpage content, but may result in unintended behavior. A list of the interactive elements of the website are listed below:

General Features

  • Navbar with an interactive hamburger when viewed on mobile devices
  • Use of modals for profile, bug report, and confirm delete screens
  • Dynamic use of dropdowns and notifications
  • Responsive website design using Bulma

Login Screen

  • Fully functional login form with validation (no back-end so any username/password combination will work). The Bypass Login button is present for your convenience.
  • Email Validation
  • Password Validation (must use password between 6-20 characters which contains at least one numeric digit, one uppercase, and one lowercase letter)
  • Remember Me using localStorage (stores email/password so it does not have to be re-entered by the user at a later date)

Books Page

  • CRUD Operations (Create book shown only in the console as no database is used. Use the Quick Add button to mimic this feature)
  • Search by book title
  • Sort by Most Recent, Title, Page Count, or ISBN
  • Pagination of 6 books

Customers Page

  • CRUD Operations (Create customer shown only in the console as no database is used. Use the Quick Add button to mimic this feature)
  • Search by customer name
  • Sort by name, email, country, and # of orders
  • Pagination of 153 customers

Orders Page

  • Search by order #
  • Sort by order #, customer, date, # of books, status, and total price
  • Pagination of 33 orders

Generation of Fake Data

  • Fake customers and orders generated through Faker. Custom faker.js file provided if you would like to generate additional customers or orders.

Cloning the Project for Personal Use


  1. Clone this repo
  2. cd into the folder of the cloned repo
  3. Run yarn install to install dependencies
  4. Run ng serve, and navigate to http://localhost:4200/

Deploying to Firebase

  1. Run ng build --prod
  2. Run firebase init and choose Hosting, follow the on-screen prompts.
  3. Delete the public directory automatically generated by the Firebase CLI
  4. Change firebase.json to
        "hosting": {
            "public": "dist",
            "ignore": [
            "rewrites": [
                    "source": "**",
                    "destination": "/index.html"
  5. Run firebase deploy