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Astronomical Events - Server

Back-end for both the server and the API.



If you want to server the API data yourself (because you want to own the resources, or any other reason), you can use this project to be up and running fast.


  • PHP 7.4
  • All these PHP extensions
    • BCMath
    • Ctype
    • JSON
    • Mbstring
    • OpenSSL
    • PDO
    • Tokenizer
    • XML
  • composer
  • Any of these databases
    • SQLite (the one the public API is powered on)
    • MySQL 5.6+
    • PostgreSQL 9.4+
    • SQL Server 2017+


  1. Copy the project locally: git clone astronomical-events-server
  2. Go to the project directory : cd astronomical-events-server
  3. Install the dependencies (production mode) : composer install --classmap-authoritative
  4. Customize your database connection information in the .env file (copy only the database information if you are choosing SQLite)
  5. Run php artisan key:generate
  6. Install the database and its data : php artisan migrate --seed
  7. Enable production optimizations : php artisan route:cache && php artisan config:cache && php artisan optimize

Assuming you serve your folder using Apache.