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studio7web edited this page Nov 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the sessionTimeoutManager wiki!

To envoke the plugin you simply add the following line to your page:


This will then initialise the plugin and start tracking inactivity. Tracking of inactivity is done by the addEventListener binding to mousemove on the document. This in theory will then track when the mouse is being used and reset the timer.

The idea behind doing this, is, that if the timer is started when the plugin is initialised then there will be a set time for the function to show the warning dialog (if the option is set to true) and the user whether active on the page or not will get the warning. So by binding the mousemove event to reset the timer the user will have to actually inactive on that page for the duration of the timer to see the warning.

I have implemented as much customisation as I was able to.

The options available to the user for customising are:


Default: sessionActualTimeout: 1500000

This is the actual timeout of the session that you have set in your PHP or ASP.Net session timeout variable.

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