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WP Plugin Version Checker

WP Plugin Version Checker is a command-line script written in PHP that retrieves information about installed WordPress plugins and performs version checking and update checks. It uses the WP-CLI tool to retrieve the plugin list and fetches additional plugin details from the WordPress API.


  1. Clone the repository or download the script.
  2. Make sure you have PHP installed on your system.
  3. Install WP-CLI tool if you haven't already (
  4. Make the script executable: chmod +x wppvc.


./wppvc [options]


  • -h: Show help information.
  • -u: Perform version check and update check.
  • -v: Show plugin information in a specific format. If no other option is specified, this behavior is applied by default.


  1. Show plugin information in a specific format:

./wppvc -v

  1. Perform version check and update check:

./wppvc -u

  1. Show help information:

./wppvc -h


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License.


  • wppvc -u
No. 更新対象 name status update version 最新Ver WP Tested PHP ver Plugin HomePage WP公式URL 備考
1 advanced-custom-fields active available 4.4.12 6.2.1 6.3.1 7.0 Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) LINK
2 advanced-schedule-posts active available 1.2.1 2.1.8 5.8.7 Advanced Schedule Posts LINK
3 taxonomy-terms-order active available 1.5.4 1.7.9 6.3.1 Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order LINK
4 classic-editor active available 1.6.2 1.6.3 6.3.1 5.2.4 Classic Editor LINK
  • wppvc -v
No. name status update version 備考
1 acf-quickedit-fields active none 3.2.8
2 advanced-custom-fields active none 6.1.7
3 akismet active none 5.2
4 ccrw_related active none 0.2.0
5 classic-editor active none 1.6.3
6 custom-post-type-ui active none 1.13.7
7 hello inactive none 1.7.2