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The rapid development of information technology has brought the concept of Smart Home into reality. However, accessing the context data in both speed and efficiency in a Smart Home becomes an important issue. Most of current systems use a centralized database to manage context data. The system is unstable even when the data is only partially damaged. Besides, this architecture is unscalable to data size. Based on Content Addressable Network (CAN), this paper realizes a P2P based context data accessing system for a Smart Home. Based on the experimental results, this approach improves the reliability of data provision service and supports better speed and efficiency of data transmission.

Keywords: CAN, P2P, Smart Home

Context Data Accessing System based on CAN

Creating Context Nodes

Retrieving Context Nodes

Updating Context Nodes

Deleting Context Nodes


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甘岱珺, 廖峻鋒, "點對點架構下智慧家庭情境資訊存取機制的設計與實現," 2016 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET), 花蓮, 台灣, 2016.


Content Addressable Network







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