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Nelson Tavares de Sousa edited this page Aug 5, 2015 · 3 revisions


TeeTime is a Pipe-and-Filter Framework for Java.

It provides support for the modeling and the execution of P&F architectures. In particular, it features...

  • many primitive and composite ready-to-use stages

  • a type-safety way to develop and connect stages

  • no(!) single-threaded overhead

  • only a minimal multi-threaded overhead

  • threads can be assigned to stages arbitrarily

  • and many more...

Let's get started by implementing your own Pipes-and-Filters-based analysis.


Apache License, Version 2.0

Using the Framework

For Pipeline Builders

For Stage Developers

Performance Evaluation

Performance Evaluation

Contributing to this Project

  1. Adhere to our Quality Assurance
  2. Adhere to our Commit Workflow

Build from Source

Build from Source