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Python 3 command line utility to standardize commit messages
Conventional Commits PyPI Package latest release Supported versions

This is an interactive tool to commit based on some rules (like conventional commits).

It comes with some defaults commit styles, like jira, conventional commits, etc, and it's easily extendable.

It's useful for teams, because it is possible to standardize the commiting style.

pip install commitizen

This client tool prompts the user with information about the commit.

Based on conventional commits

Example running commitizen

This is an example of how the git messages history would look like:

docs: improved commitizens tab in readme
feat(cz): jira smart commits
refactor(cli): renamed all to ls command
refactor(cz): renamed angular cz to conventional changelog cz
feat: info command for angular
docs(README): added badges
docs(LICENSE): new one
docs(README): added about, installation, creating, etc
chore(bumpversion): configured and added as dev dep
feat(config): new loads from ~/.cz and working project .cz .cz.cfg and setup.cfg

These are the available commiting styles by default:

The installed ones can be checked with:

cz ls

Run in your terminal

cz commit

or the shortcut

cz c
usage: cz [-h] [--debug] [-n NAME] [--version]
        {ls,commit,c,example,info,schema} ...

Commitizen is a cli tool to generate conventional commits.
For more information about the topic go to

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--debug               use debug mode
-n NAME, --name NAME  use the given commitizen
--version             get the version of the installed commitizen

    ls                  show available commitizens
    commit (c)          create new commit
    example             show commit example
    info                show information about the cz
    schema              show commit schema

You can create in your project folder a file called .cz, .cz.cfg or in your setup.cfg or if you want to configure the global default in your user's home folder a .cz file with the following information:

name = cz_conventional_commits

Create a file starting with cz_ for example This prefix is used to detect the plugin. Same method flask uses

Inherit from BaseCommitizen and you must define questions and message. The others are optionals.

from commitizen import BaseCommitizen

class JiraCz(BaseCommitizen):

    def questions(self):
        """Questions regarding the commit message.

        Must have 'whaaaaat' format.
        More info:

        :rtype: list
        questions = [
                'type': 'input',
                'name': 'title',
                'message': 'Commit title'
                'type': 'input',
                'name': 'issue',
                'message': 'Jira Issue number:'
        return questions

    def message(self, answers):
        """Generate the message with the given answers.

        :type answers: dict
        :rtype: string
        return '{0} (#{1})'.format(answers['title'], answers['issue'])

    def example(self):
        """Provide an example to help understand the style (OPTIONAL)
        Used by cz example.

        :rtype: string
        return 'Problem with user (#321)'

    def schema(self):
        """Show the schema used (OPTIONAL)

        :rtype: string
        return '<title> (<issue>)'

    def info(self):
        """Explanation of the commit rules. (OPTIONAL)
        :rtype: string
        return 'We use this because is useful'

discover_this = JiraCz  # used by the plugin system

The next file required is modified from flask version

from distutils.core import setup

    long_description='this is a long description',

So at the end we would have


And that's it, you can install it without uploading to pypi by simply doing pip install . If you feel like it should be part of the repo, create a PR.

Support for the old version of python (python 2) is limited, there are some things that won't work, like aliases of commands, so, to commit run:

cz commit
  • [ ] auto changelog integration
  • [ ] tests


Create commiting rules for projects







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  • Python 96.6%
  • Shell 3.4%