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Releases: terra-quantum-public/tq42-pqc-oss

v0.2.2 TQ42 Cryptography Library | Release Notes

28 Aug 11:04
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FIPS 203, FIPS 204, and FIPS 205 were published and became effective on August 14, 2024. These standards include changes from the draft versions that have led to updates in the NIST Known-Answer Test (KAT). TQ42 Cryptography is releasing the latest modifications of FIPS 203 (ML-KEM) and FIPS 204 (ML-DSA) to comply with the latest NIST standards as of August 28, 2024.

What's New in TQ42 PQC - 0.2.2

TQ42 Cryptography version 0.2.2 was released on August 28, 2024. Below are the primary features of this library version.

Post-Quantum Algorithms

Classic Quantum-Resistant Algorithms

  • AES
    • AES GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) has been added for combined encryption and authentication functionality. Updated documentation will be available soon.

What's Next

Upcoming Features

  • ML-KEM
    • Introduce support for ML-KEM 512 and ML-KEM 768.
  • ML-DSA
    • Introduce support for ML-DSA 44 and ML-DSA 65.
    • Expand support to include various modes: SHA2 128s, SHA2 128f, SHA2 192s, SHA2 192f, SHA2 256s, SHA2 256f, as well as SHAKE 128s, SHAKE 128f, SHAKE 192s, SHAKE 192f, SHAKE 256s.
  • AES GCM Mode
    • Documentation update
  • Refactoring
    • Enhance the integration experience by renaming methods and constants to create a more developer-friendly API.

v0.2.1 TQ42 Cryptography Library | Release Notes

07 Aug 20:35
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TQ42 Cryptography, developed by Terra Quantum, presents its implementation of the draft NIST standard - FIPS 205 SLH-DSA, a standard created to safeguard data from potential threats posed by quantum computers, based on the Sphincs+ NIST submission. This release confirms TQ42 Cryptography's compliance with all three Post-Quantum draft standards: FIPS-203 (ML-KEM), FIPS-204 (ML-DSA), and FIPS-205 (SLH-DSA). Each algorithm goes through thorough evaluation using the latest NIST Known Answer Test (KAT) and is implemented in accordance with the most recent NIST draft standards updates.

What's New in TQ42 PQC — 0.2.1

TQ42 Cryptography version 0.2.1 was released on August 7, 2024. Below are the primary features of this library version.

Post-Quantum Algorithms

What's Next

In the current version all three NIST Post-Quantum standart drafts have implementation of only one mode with the highest security level. In the next release we plan to add all modes to the ML-KEM, ML-DSA and SLH-DSA.

Upcoming Features

  • ML-KEM
    • Introduce support for ML-KEM 512 and ML-KEM 768.
  • ML-DSA
    • Introduce support for ML-DSA 44 and ML-DSA 65.
    • Expand support to include various modes: SHA2 128s, SHA2 128f, SHA2 192s, SHA2 192f, SHA2 256s, SHA2 256f, as well as SHAKE 128s, SHAKE 128f, SHAKE 192s, SHAKE 192f, SHAKE 256s.
  • AES GCM Mode
    • Implement AES GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) for combined encryption and authentication functionality.
  • Refactoring
    • Enhance the integration experience by renaming methods and constants to create a more developer-friendly API.

v0.2.0 TQ42 Cryptography Library | Release Notes

24 Jul 13:43
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TQ42 Cryptography by Terra Quantum is introducing two draft NIST standards aimed at protecting data from quantum computer attacks. These include FIPS 203, which specifies the Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM), and FIPS 204, which covers the Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (ML-DSA). The final post-quantum standard, FIPS 205, will focus on the Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (SLH-DSA) and is slated for release in the upcoming version.

What's New in TQ42 PQC - 0.2.0

TQ42 Cryptography version 0.2.0 was released on July 24, 2024. Below are the primary features of this library.

Post-Quantum Algorithms

Key Encapsulation Mechanism:

  • Added the FIPS-203 ML-KEM 1024, previously known as Kyber KEM, including NIST Known Answer Tests.

Digital Signature

  • Added the FIPS-204 ML-DSA 87, previously known as Dilithium, including NIST Known Answer Tests.

Key Generation & Management

  • Added PBKDF2 support and testing for password hashing.

What's Next

TQ42 Cryptography is dedicated to ongoing development and improvement. We highly value your input and are committed to incorporating user feedback into future updates. To contribute, please review our contributing guidelines.

Upcoming Features

FIPS Compliance Expansion

  • FIPS 205 for SLH-DSA (SPHINCS+): The SPHINCS+ digital signature standard.


  • AES GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) to provide both encryption and authentication.

iOS, Android, and Python Wrappers

  • To improve accessibility and integration, we are rolling out new wrappers.

True Entropy Support

  • We plan to enhance our algorithms with support for true quantum entropy.

v0.1.1 TQ42 Cryptography Library | Release Notes

11 Jul 20:03
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What's new in TQ42 PQC - 0.1.1

Minor Library Update: Enhancements and Functionality Additions


  • User Feedback:

  • Documentation Updates:

  • Functionality:

    • Refactored Key Containers API for enhanced generality:
      • Added Key Creation and Expiration Functionality;
      • Implemented Masking for Symmetric Keys;
    • Added tests for KDF and AES.

What's Next

TQ42 Cryptography remains committed to continuous improvement and the incorporation of user feedback. We invite you to contribute by reviewing our contributing guidelines or initiating a discussion.

Upcoming Releases:

  • Next Release:

    • FIPS 203 for ML-KEM (Kyber): Integration of the Kyber Key Encapsulation Mechanism;
    • FIPS 204 for ML-DSA (Dilithium): Support for the Dilithium digital signature algorithm;
    • AES GCM support.
  • Future Releases:

    • FIPS 205 for SLH-DSA (SPHINCS+): Integration of the SPHINCS+ digital signature standard.

v0.1.0 TQ42 Cryptography Library | Release Notes

08 May 04:44
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TQ42 Cryptography by Terra Quantum is a comprehensive, low-level open-source C++ library offering a unified API for both post-quantum (PQ) and quantum-resistant algorithms, as well as key generation and management functions. The library is designed to use the true quantum keys generated from Terra Quantum's proprietary Single Photon Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG). For more information please refer to the README or documentation.

What's new in TQ42 PQC - 0.1.0

TQ42 Cryptography version 0.1.0 was officially launched on May 7, 2024. Below are the primary features of this library:


  • Comprehensive Testing: Algorithms are validated using the NIST Known Answer Tests (KAT), ensuring reliability and security.

  • Quantum Entropy Compatibility: The algorithms are specifically engineered to integrate seamlessly with true quantum entropy sources.

Classic Quantum-Resistant Algorithms

Hash Function:

  • SHA-3 (all modes: 224, 256, 384, 512, SHAKE-128, SHAKE-256)

Symmetric Encryption:

  • AES-256 (modes: ECB, CBC, OFB, CTR)

Post-Quantum Algorithms

Key Encapsulation Mechanism:

Digital Signature:

Key Generation & Management

What's next

TQ42 Cryptography is dedicated to ongoing development and improvement. We highly value your input and are committed to incorporating user feedback into future updates. To contribute, please review our contributing guidelines.

Upcoming features

  • True Entropy Support: We plan to enhance our algorithms with support for true quantum entropy.

  • FIPS Compliance Expansion:

    • FIPS 203 for ML-KEM (Kyber): The integration of the Kyber KEM.

    • FIPS 204 for ML-DSA (Dilithium): Support for the Dilithium digital signature algorithm.

    • FIPS 205 for SLH-DSA (SPHINCS+): The SPHINCS+ digital signature standard.

  • AES GCM mode: AES GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) to provide both encryption and authentication.

  • KDF and PKDF2: Key Derivation Functions including PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) to reinforce password security.

  • iOS, Android and Python wrappers: To improve accessibility and integration, we are rolling out new wrappers.