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This is an app that showcases how to automate a VZVirtualMachine.

I plan on making this installable via Swift PM once more of the APIs are stable and thought out but for now good ol' copy & paste is required. All APIs for automating the VM are located under the VZAutomator directory and are attached to the VZAutomator actor.

PRs welcome!

How to use

  1. Create an instance of VZAutomator by giving it a VZVirtualMachineView
  2. Call the appropriate methods on VZAutomator like wait(forText:), waitForDisplay, press(key:), etc… in an async function

Very rough example code (look through the app for a more complete, correct example):

import Virtualization

// Create a `VZVirtualMachineView`
let vmView = VZVirtualMachineView()
vmView.virtualMachine = myVm

// Add it to your window
let myWindow = NSWindow()

// Create an automator
let automator = VZAutomator(vmView)

// Make sure to start the VM!
let opts = VZMacOSVirtualMachineStartOptions()
try await myVm.start(options: opts)

// Wait for the VM to boot and the display to be ready
try await automator.wait(forState: .running)
try await automator.waitForDisplay()

// Once we see "get started" we can press enter to continue
try await automator.wait(forText: "get started")
try await .keyboardReturn)


Waiting for state

You can use automator.wait(forState:) to wait for the VM to reach a certain state. The states are from VZVirtualMachine.State:

// Wait for the VM to be running
try await automator.wait(forState: .running)

Waiting for the display to be ready

When you first start a virutal machine it's framebuffer may not be ready yet. You can use automator.waitForDisplay() which will wait for the frame buffer to be attached to the VZVirtualMachineView (at which point it should be actively rendering):

// Wait for the display to be showing something
try await automator.waitForDisplay()

Waiting for text

You can use automator.wait(forText:) to wait for text to appear on the screen. All text queries are currently case-insensitive.

You may pass a String:

// Wait for "get started" to appear on the screen
try await automator.wait(forText: "get started")

or a TextCondition for more complex queries:

// Wait for all of the following text to appear on the screen:
try await automator.wait(forText: .all([
  "language", "english", "english (uk)",

// Wait until none of the following text appear on the screen:
// This is useful for waiting for a screen to disappear
try await automator.wait(forText: .none([
  "language", "english", "english (uk)",

Detecting text on screen

Sometimes, instead of waiting for text to appear, you may want to check if text is currently on the screen. You can use automator.has(text:) to check if text is currently on the screen. This will return a Bool indicating if the text is currently on the screen. It can take a String or a TextCondition just like wait(forText:).

// Change what you do based on "keyboard requirements" is on the screen
if try await automator.has(text: "keyboard requirements") {
  // Do something
} else {
  // Do something else

Waiting for an image to appear on screen

This is a work in progress API.

You may use the automator.wait(forImage: myImage, at: somePoint) API to detect an image on the screen at a specific location. There is also an API to determine if an image is currently on screen (at a location) or not. For now the coordinates are such that +Y points in the up direction — matching the macOS coordinate system. This is likely to change to be +Y points down.

// Wait for the image to appear on the screen at (915, 682)
try await automator.wait(forImage: myImage, at: CGPoint(x: 915, y: 682))

// Do something if the image exists on screen at (381, 293)
if try await automator.has(image: myImage, at: CGPoint(x: 381, y: 293)) {
  // Do something

Taking a screenshot of the framebuffer

You may use the automator.screenshot() method to take a screenshot of the VM's framebuffer. The resolution will be the same as the resolution of the display. This will return a NSImage of the framebuffer at the time of the call. You may optionally pass a CGRect to only take a screenshot of a specific region of the framebuffer.

Note that macOS coordinate system is y-flipped. This is quite unintuitive and I will probably change these APIs so the y-axis is +y in the down direction like iOS.

// Take a screenshot of the entire framebuffer
let image = automator.screenshot()

// Take a screenshot of a specific region of the framebuffer
// This will take a screenshot of the region from (0, 0) to (100, 100)
let image = automator.screenshot(rect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))

Interacting with the keyboard

Pressing keys on the keyboard

You may use to press a key on the keyboard. The keys are defined with constants as they're device independent.

// Press the return key
try await .keyboardReturn)

// Press the return key 3 times
try await .keyboardReturn, times: 3)

// Pressing multiple keys in sequence
try await [

// Holding down a key
try await automator.hold(key: .keyboardShift)

// Releasing a key
try await automator.release(key: .keyboardShift)

// You may also use modifiers to simplify key presses
// This will press shift+tab twice by:
// Holding shift, pressing tab, releasing shift, holding shift, pressing tab, releasing shift
try await .keyboardTab.shift, times: 2)

Typing text

Attempting to type text by pressing individual keys is boring, slow, and error-prone. Instead use automator.type() to type text into the VM. This will type the given string into the VM by pressing the appropriate keys. Right now the mapping assumes a US QWERTY keyboard layout.

// For example, this workflow navigates to the appropriate text fields and types in the username, password, password confirmation, and creates the account

try await automator.type("admin")
try await .keyboardTab, times: 2)
try await automator.type("secret123")
try await .keyboardTab)
try await automator.type("secret123")
try await .keyboardTab)
try await .keyboardTab, times: 2)
try await .keyboardSpacebar)


VM Automation using Virtualization.framework







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