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SOON_ Schematics

A set of extensions for the Angular CLI.


via NPM

npm i @thisissoon/schematics --save-dev

via Yarn

yarn add @thisissoon/schematics --dev


Testing schematic

A schematic to set up CI and testing patterns

ng g @thisissoon/schematics:testing --ci travis


  • ci (string): name of CI service to use. One of travis | circle | gitlab (default: travis)

Universal Express schematic

A schematic to set up angular universal with express.js

ng g @thisissoon/schematics:universal-express

Docker schematic

A schematic that generates a DOCKERFILE to build a docker image

ng g @thisissoon/schematics:docker


  • universal (boolean): Set to true if using a server side rendered app (default: false)
  • domain (string): Example: Required if universal option is set to false.

License schematic

A schematic to generate a MIT license file

ng g @thisissoon/schematics:license --name SOON_


  • name (string): Name of license holder e.g. SOON_

Commits schematic

A schematic to setup conventional commits and changelog generation

ng g @thisissoon/schematics:commits

Linting schematic

A schematic to set up and police code formatting rules

ng g @thisissoon/schematics:linting



To test locally, install @angular-devkit/schematics globally and use the schematics command line tool. That tool acts the same as the generate command of the Angular CLI, but also has a debug mode.

Check the documentation with

schematics --help

Unit Testing

npm run test will run the unit tests, using Jasmine as a runner and test framework.


To publish, simply do:

npm run build
npm publish

That's it!