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An exploration of the Iris dataset using two algorithms. K-Means Clustering & Logistic Regression with Lime Explaination.

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An exploration of the Iris dataset using two algorithms.


Using the Iris dataset and two algorithms, k-means clustering and logistic regression this project sets out to use the algorithms to classify the three species of iris contained within the dataset. The project builds a k-means cluster classifier, finding that k=3 is the optimal value for k, and a logistic regression model that provides 98% accuracy. The project also reports on the use of Lime to explain how the regression model made the classification decision.


The first task to complete when implementing a clustering algorithm is to determine the number of clusters that is optimal for the dataset/problem at hand. Here it may seem intuitive that 3 clusters will be the correct number of clusters, as there are 3 species that we are trying to classify, however this apparent rule of thumb would not always hold, especially if/when the data is less segregated than this dataset it.

The number of clusters is a significant value that needs to be carefully selected. It is possible to select this value using several methods, a popular method is known as the elbow method, whereby a range of possible values are plotted for k against the WCSS and where the lowest value of WCSS is found, when considered against the number of clusters, whereby keeping the k small is preferable a value is found. The preferred measure of K-means accuracy is WCSS, the within cluster sum of squares. Once the value for k has been chosen the model can be built (again) and visualized by plotting the clusters and the computed centroids.


While k-mean clustering isn’t a true classification algorithm, it can be used as one with supervised learning, as we have been doing. Therefore, we can present a confusion matrix and a classification report.

               precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       1.00      1.00      1.00        19
           1       0.78      0.93      0.85        15
           2       0.92      0.75      0.83        16

    accuracy                           0.90        50
   macro avg       0.90      0.89      0.89        50
weighted avg       0.91      0.90      0.90        50


These both demonstrate that the algorithm does a good job of classifying, overall achieving 90% accuracy and performing worst for the class 2 species, where the data is more overlapping.


For regression the labels were numerically encoded, so that 0 = setosa, 1 = versicolor and 2 = virginica. Following the encoding, the data was split into train and test sets. This was done with a value of 0.33 so that two thirds of the data was used for training and one third was held back for testing, this is done using random sampling so that the sets are not composed of, for example the first 1/3 of observations. This is particularly important in this dataset as the data was grouped by species. The class labels were also split out into train and test sets, as these will form the target for the model.

The model is then fitted to data before the resulting model is used to make predictions about the test stets classification. From the test set we can calculate some performance metrics, first the accuracy score, expressed as a percentage. We can see that this model performed with 98% accuracy.

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       1.00      1.00      1.00        19
           1       0.94      1.00      0.97        15
           2       1.00      0.94      0.97        16

    accuracy                           0.98        50
   macro avg       0.98      0.98      0.98        50
weighted avg       0.98      0.98      0.98        50



By passing the data and the model into the Lime explainer we are presented with values that indicate which of the possible factors (in this small dataset that is all of the features) have an impact on the classification, and in which regard they influence that classification, and in which direction.



The above implementations both demonstrate that it is possible, with a good degree of accuracy to identify an iris from petal and sepal width and length. While not attaining 100% accuracy for all three species, logistic regression provided an average, or overall accuracy of 98% which compares favourably with the 90% accuracy attained by the k-means algorithm. Both LG and K-means clustering we able to correctly identify all of the versicolor species as it was demonstrated that this species was linearly separable from the other two. There is a chance, however, especially with a small dataset such as this one that the models suffer from overfitting. Overall, the logistic regression model has the better performance characteristics of the two.


An exploration of the Iris dataset using two algorithms. K-Means Clustering & Logistic Regression with Lime Explaination.




