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Tom Stefanou edited this page Oct 1, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the EAGamesLauncher wiki!


0) What is this thing?

  • A small neat app that you use to isolate running C&C Generals Z.H mods from one another.

1) Why did you do it?

  • I was sick and tired of having to remove and re add C&C mods every time we wanted to play a different one with my son, due to incompatibilities between various mods.

2) How does it do it? (No technical jargon please)

  • Essentially after you point the app to your command and conquer root folder containing your mods, the following things will happen
  1. it will display whatever mods were found,
  2. As soon as you run any of them,
  3. It will delete everything else, except the running one and the Z.H one,
  4. Once you have closed the mod,
  5. It will undelete the rest of them,
  6. and present you with the app window again.

3) Deleting my mods?????, that doesn't sound safe!!!

  • No reasons to worry really, they are moved to the recycled bin for the duration of your play session and then automatically restored. Worst case scenario you restore the folders manually from your recycle bin, but nothing is permanently deleted.

4) Anything else i should know about?

  • Actually there were a few things i discovered whilst making this little app...
  1. Make sure the same GameData.ini is used throughout if using any, that is in the Data/iIni folder.
  2. After installing Shockwave remove the installer executable from the shockwave folder.

That's all really.

5) OK, i am sold, can i see what it does?

  • Sure, go to and check it out.

6) What if i have any issues?

  • Remember that all this little app does is to launch the games and nothing else!, if the mods were working before using the app, same thing will keep happening.
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