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Experimenting with multistart optimization methods in Julia.

WORK IN PROGRESS. Expect API changes, but SemVer 2 will of course be respected.

Documentation is very much WIP.

How to use this package

  1. Define a minimization problem with the objective, lower- and upper bounds,

  2. pick a local method for each multistart point (currently methods in NLopt.jl are supported),

  3. pick a multistart method (currently we have TikTak from Arnoud, Guvenen, and Kleineberg (2019)).


using MultistartOptimization, NLopt
P = MinimizationProblem(x -> sum(abs2, x), -ones(10), ones(10))
local_method = NLoptLocalMethod(NLopt.LN_BOBYQA)
multistart_method = TikTak(100)
p = multistart_minimization(multistart_method, local_method, P)
p.location, p.value

Some benchmarks

Number of function evaluations for

  • TikTak with 100 Sobol initial points,
  • dimension 10,
  • local search terminating with absolute tolerance 1e-8 in the position
ShiftedQuadratic Griewank LevyMontalvo2 Rastrigin Rosenbrock
LN_BOBYQA 569 2633 4235 FAIL 10995
LN_NELDERMEAD 15750 17108 33088 FAIL 42785
LN_NEWUOA_BOUND 580 2088 2253 FAIL 13409
LN_SBPLX 12329 11806 11447 FAIL 7020038
LN_COBYLA 16943 37414 32792 FAIL 985676
LN_PRAXIS 1850 9886 8548 FAIL 15436