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Releases: tqtezos/minter

OpenMinter v0.8.0

18 Jun 19:30
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create, showcase, and exchange NFTs on Tezos.

This release v0.8.0 includes support for batch minting, creator pages, and support for bootstrapping an admin-optional marketplace.

New Features

  • Batch minting support to create multiple assets in one transaction
  • Support for basic creator pages noting created assets and for-sale assets
  • Bootstrap support for an admin-optional marketplace with an optional fee on sales

Bug Fixes

  • Sandbox errors now fixed


  • Documentation updates for batch minting and recent features

OpenMinter v0.7.1

14 May 02:31
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create, showcase, and exchange NFTs on Tezos.

This release v0.7.1 includes support for Florencenet, and a number of bug fixes and improvements.

New Features

  • Florencenet support now included for testnet environment

Bug Fixes

  • Sell button now disabled when a listing is pending
  • User collections now ordered by most recent


  • Outlinks to block explorer now network-specific
  • Status alerts now requires user to close
  • Creator outlinks to tzkt from token metadata now available

OpenMinter v0.7.0

30 Apr 03:41
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create, showcase, and exchange NFTs on Tezos.

This release v0.7.0 includes new features and improvements such as indexing now being provided by tzkt, a custom marketplace configuration wizard, and a number of optimizations and bug fixes.

New Features

  • Indexer switched to tzkt for dramatic performance improvements.
  • Marketplace configuration wizard to establish an admin-controlled marketplace.
  • Support for 3D assets (GLB / GLTF).

Bug Fixes

  • Various error handling through async notifications fixed.
  • Various display errors on individual asset page with different content resolutions.


  • Fullscreen view on individual asset page.
  • Cleanup of various marketplace UI elements.
  • Cleanup and responsive improvements of individual asset page.

Other Changes

  • Splash page gating removed.
  • Refresh button removed.
  • ipfsGateway in config to establish easier switching.
  • Tezos symbol replaced with SVG to avoid format issues.

OpenMinter v0.6.0

19 Apr 15:44
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create, showcase, and exchange NFTs on Tezos.

This release v0.6.0 includes new features such as a new asset creation flow, asynchronous transaction handling, individual collection pages, and a number of optimizations and usability improvements.

New Features

  • Individual collection pages accessible through distinct URLs.
  • New asset flow now responsive with a reduced number of steps.
  • Asynchronous transaction handling to avoid modal gates.

Bug Fixes

  • Individual asset pages
    • Image scaling removes any cutoff.
    • Zoom feature fixes.
    • Button positioning.
    • Decimal limits to see full price.
  • Collections and marketplace
    • Card fixes to avoid any image cutoff.
    • Error handling on marketplace transaction failures.


  • Layout responsiveness fixes on individual asset pages.
  • Full mobile responsiveness with numerous fixes.
  • Transaction batching for marketplace.

Other Changes

  • Marketplace to begin loading upon connection.
  • IPFS gateway switched to Pinata to avoid retrieval errors.
  • Update to latest Taquito release.

OpenMinter v0.5.0 Beta

27 Mar 02:10
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create, showcase, and exchange NFTs on Tezos.

This beta release v0.5.0-beta includes new features such as a global marketplace, responsive pages, and a number of usability improvements.

New Features

  • A global marketplace view displaying all new assets for sale in reverse chronological order with a top showcase.
  • Responsive pages now available across collections, individual asset views, and the global marketplace.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes fixed price sale deployment on sandbox.


  • An improved navigation that is responsive and consolidates wallet information under a menu.
  • Listing an asset for sale now batches transactions.
  • A network indicator is now available to note if testnet or mainnet is the active network.
  • Outlinks now available for collections to smart contract explorer.

Other Changes

  • Versioning badge now auto-updates with release cut in
  • Icon changes to collections and marketplace in the navigation.

OpenMinter v0.4.3

23 Mar 20:13
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create and showcase NFTs on Tezos.

This release (v0.4.3) includes various improvements and updates the contract references to the latest code from Minter SDK.

New Features

  • The NFT creation modal shows carbon savings compared to Ethereum
  • The asset, faucet, and marketplace contracts now reference the latest code from minter-sdk

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue where file upload element wasn't showing video filetypes as accepted


  • The preview text on the create view is removed for clarity around data entry

Other Changes

  • The README now points to the minter-sdk repository for contract code

OpenMinter v0.4.2

17 Mar 14:44
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create and showcase NFTs on Tezos.

This release (v0.4.2) is a bug fix release that resolves an issue around retrieving collections.

Bug Fixes

  • Find collections based on entrypoints instead of contract hash provided by BCD.

OpenMinter v0.4.1

16 Mar 16:35
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create and showcase NFTs on Tezos.

This release (v0.4.1) is a followup bug fix release that addresses breaking changes from the BCD API along with changing the default Tezos RPC to nodes.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issues around breaking changes by the BetterCallDev API.


  • Point OpenMinter to by default to avoid breakage with Giganode servers.

OpenMinter v0.4.0

16 Mar 16:31
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create and showcase NFTs on Tezos.

This release (v0.4.0) greatly reduces the complexity of the project, allowing for developers to simply use yarn to install and run OpenMinter. This was done through an extensive reorganization of the project structure.

New Features

  • Developer experience now only relies on yarn to install and run the application


  • Docker has been removed as a dependency for testnet and mainnet environments
  • The API server is now its own repository in tqtezos/minter-api
  • All scripts are run through package.json, no more calls to shell scripts in bin/

OpenMinter v0.3.0

10 Mar 22:07
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The OpenMinter project enables anyone to create and showcase NFTs on Tezos.

This release (v0.3.0) adds support for selling NFTs for ꜩ through a new marketplace contract. It also improves the experience around handling errors during blockchain operations.

New Features

  • Users can now place their tokens for sale via the new marketplace contract integration (#216)

Bug Fixes

  • The file upload preview was fixed to support sizes that would cause layout issues (#225)
  • Resolved an issue that required a page refresh if wallet permissions were denied (#222)


  • The application handles operation failures (creating a collection, minting a new token, etc.) more elegantly (#218)