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Chris Scott edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Android FAQ

1. Build error: Could not find :tslocationmanager:, Could not find :tsbackgroundfetch:

Could not find :tslocationmanager:.
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
blind:app:unspecified > blind:react-native-background-geolocation:unspecified

2. "When I boot my app in the Android Emulator, no location is recorded even though I'm simulating location".

  • The plugin does not listen to the device's Location API until the Motion API (accelerometer + gyroscope + magnetometer) says the device is moving. The Motion API does not operate in the Android Emulator. The plugin does have a backup mechanism for detecting when the device is moving — a geofence monitored around the last known position. This "stationary geofence" can sometimes fire in the Android emulator but not always. You can force the plugin to enter the moving state using the method Backgroundgeolocation.changePace(true)
  • See the Wiki Philosophy of Operation.
  • The best way to test the plugin is by using a real device with real movement. Try going outside for 1km walk with the plugin configured with debug: true (so you can hear the debug SoundFX).

3. "How do I hide the persistent notification "Location Service Activated"?

  • You can't. This SDK's ability to track location while in the background or terminated is possible only with Android Foreground Services. The Android OS requires that Foreground Services provide a persistent notification to the user.
  • The persistent notification is highly configurable. See the API docs Config.notification

4. "Our app is getting rejected by google due to ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION".

Common FAQ