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Frontend Routes

Tran Le edited this page Jun 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

User-Facing Routes


When a user is not logged in, this page displays the splash page with navigation to log in and sign up. When a user is logged in, this page displays the users routines.

  • GET /


This page displays a login form

  • GET /login
  • POST /login


  • POST /logout


This page displays a sign up form.

  • GET /signup
  • POST /signup


This page displays the user's care journal with all the user's routine entries that can be created, edited, or deleted.

  • GET /journal
  • POST /journal
  • POST /journal/edit
  • POST /journal/delete


This page displays a specific product that can be edited or deleted if custom made.

  • GET /products/:id
  • POST /products/:id/edit
  • POST /products/:id/delete


This page displays a routine where the user can check off which products they have used that day.

  • GET /routines/:id
  • POST /routines/:id
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