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Repository files navigation

Spring Boot React

The application has a react frontend and a Spring Boot Rest API, packaged as a single module Maven application. You can start the application (make local-deploy) and call the API by using the following curl (shown with its output):

Local Test

curl -v -u greg:turnquist localhost:8080/api/employees/

Production Test

curl -v -u greg:turnquist <domain_name>/api/employees/

json payload should look like below

    "firstName": "Frodo",
    "lastName": "Baggins",
    "description": "ring bearer",
    "manager": {
        "name": "greg",
        "roles": [
"links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/employees/1"

Cloud Integration

You should have a CI/CD pipeline to iteratively improve the project. To deploy it on AWS by using CDK see the following repository in here.

To see the frontend, navigate to http://localhost:8080. You are immediately redirected to a login form. Log in as greg/turnquist