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User manual

Arnaud Vassellier edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 32 revisions

Table of contents

  1. Splash screen
  2. Terms of use
  3. Main menu
  4. Replayer
  5. Preferences
  6. Logbook
  7. About
  8. Widget

Splash screen

This is the entry point of the software. This page appears when you launch AC2RD.

Terms of use

This page appears after the splash screen, the first time you launch AC2RD. It describes the terms of use of the software. You must accept them to access all the features of AC2RD.

Main menu

This is the main menu of AC2RD. It is divided into two tabs : a Home tab to monitor the software, and a Records tab for accessing phone and voice recordings. In addition, the main menu gives access to a sliding bar (on the left) redirecting to the software settings, the logbook, the about page, or closing the software.


The Home tab allows you to monitor the software (visualization of important information, and access to shortcuts on the main functionalities of the software). It is divided into 3 categories: general state, call recorder, and dictaphone.

General state

The general state returns information about the recorder status, the ongoing action, the storage path, and the available space.

Recorder status

The recorder status is either inactive or in recording mode.

Ongoing action

The ongoing action can be an incoming call, an outgoing call, the dictaphone, or nothing.


Storage indicates the storage path of the records.

Available space

Available space indicates via a progress bar the available space on the phone memory.

Call recorder

Call recorder allows the call recorder to be activated / deactivated. It also indicates the status of the phone call.


The switch enables / disables the call recorder.

Call status

The call status can be free, ringing, or off hook.


Dictaphone is composed of two buttons: one to start a voice recording, the other to stop the current voice recording.


Starts a new voice recording (if no recording is in progress).


Stops the current voice recording (if it exists).


The Records tab provides access to phone and voice records. It is possible to sort these records by type, or by date. A simple click gives you access to a list of possible actions: replay the recording, add a description, lock / save the recording, and delete the recording (if it is not locked). A long click displays detailed information about the selected record.


The replayer is accessible via the Records tab, when a phone or voice records is selected for replay. On this page, it is possible to perform the classic play / pause commands, but also to position the start of the replay where you want via the seekbar. When the replay is launched, an audio spectrum is displayed (if enabled).


The software settings can be accessed via the sliding bar of the main menu. Through this section, you can set your software as you wish.


This option activates the call recording service. If this option is enabled,, all incoming / outgoing calls will be automatically recorded by AC2RD.

Call filters

Call filters allow you to not automatically record all phone calls, but to filter those that you want to record and replay later.

Activate call filters

This option activates the call filters. All calls will not be recorded, but only those that are defined in the filters.

Shake to record

This option allows recording when the phone shake, and the received / transmitted call is not set in the call filters.

Filters definition

This option defines the call filter. It is possible to add contacts to be recorded automatically, and contacts to never record.


Audio source

This option defines the source of the audio stream to be recorded. It is possible to select the microphone, the Tx option for the outgoing stream only, the Rx option for the incoming stream only, the TX + Rx option for the incoming and outgoing stream, and the VoIP option for the Voice over IP.

Max Volume

This option enables volume boost.

Audio format

This option sets the audio format of records. Four audio formats are supported by AC2RD: 3GPP, MP3, AMR, and WAV.


Audio spectrum

This option allows you to configure the display of the audio spectrum during replay.


Storage directory

This option sets the record storage directory.


Activate the service

This option enables the purge of obsolete records.

Frequency of service

This option sets the purge frequency of obsolete records.

Retention time

This option sets the retention time for records.


Enable logging

This option enables logging of internal software events.


Enable notifications

This option enables notifications.

Notifications with sound

This option triggers a sound for each new notification.

Notifications with vibration

This option triggers a vibration for each new notification.

Notifications with LED

This option enables the LED for each new notification.

Toast messages

This option activates information messages that appear on the screen.

Splash screen

Enable the splash screen

This option enables the splash screen when the software is launched.


Define the theme

This option allows you to define the theme of the software.

Define the theme color

This option allows you to define the theme color to be used in the software.


Define the language

This option is used to define the language to be used in the software.


The Logbook can be accessed via the sliding bar of the main menu. Through this section, you can read events related to the AC2RD software. It is possible to sort these records by importance, ou by date.


The About page can be accessed via the sliding bar of the main menu. The AC2RD software version number, license, and terms of use can be accessed via this page.


Like the Home tab, the widget allows you to view important information : the ongoing action which can be "record in progress" (on an incoming call, an outgoing call, or with the use of the dictaphone), or "no action in progress", the available space on the phone memory, and the call recorder status. It also includes shortcuts allowing the use of the dictaphone, and access to the list of call / voice records.