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An open-source arduino framework to control lamps.


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alt text

  • In the Arduino, set up 3 jumpers in the 9th, 10th and 11th pins.
  • Set up another jumper in the ground pin (GND).
  • In the protoboard, connect the ground jumper in any column of the negative line .
  • Set up the leds as shown in the image.
  • Connect one of the remaining jumpers in the same line as one of the connectors of the leds as shown in the image.
  • Do the same for the other 2 jumpers and other 2 leds.
  • Connect one resistor in the same line as the ground jumper and in the same column as on of the leds connector.
  • Do the same for the other resistors and leds.

BLE Link

It is necessary to rename Ble Link in order to connect it to the app. The complete instructions can be found here But basically what you'll have to do is:

  • Connect the BLE link to your computer with an USB cable
  • Open the Arduino IDE
  • Go to Tools > Port > Make sure the correct board is selected
  • Open the serial monitor - Tools > Serial Monitor
  • Make sure the "No line ending" and "115200 baud" options are selected
  • Type in

and hit send, you should see a message saying "Enter AT mode"

  • Change the line ending option to "Both NL & CR"
  • Type in

to rename the bluetooth component and hit enter

  • Type in

and hit enter to make sure you were able to rename the component successfully. You should be able to see LAMPINO on your monitor


  • Download the project
  • Open the Arduino IDE
  • Go to File > Open > Location_Where_You_Downloaded_The_Project > Lampino > Arduino > Lampino > Lampino.ino
  • Connect the Arduino through an USB port
  • Select your port on Tools > Port (It will probably be something ending with “Arduino/Genuino Uno")
  • Remove the two yellow jumpers shown in the image alt text
  • Go to Sketch > Verify
  • Go to Sketch > Upload
  • After finished uploading, put the two yellow jumpers back and keep the Arduino connected.

Iphone App

Download the iPhone app - - and open it. The app should automatically connect with the Arduino and it should show the three connected leds.

Or Xcode

The app should be installed in your iPhone and automatically connect with the Arduino. The app should show the three connected leds.



Every command has one of the following formarts

Command Sentinel


Command Parameter Sentinel


Command Parameter Parameter Sentinel

Where each value should be a single byte. As you can see, every command should end with the sentinel, this way the board knows to not wait for further commands. Every answer from the board will also end with the sentinel.


Every communication is read as a byte, so we reserve the following values:

  • [0 - 100] - Brightness value
  • [101 - 197] - Commands
  • 198 - Sentinel
  • 199 - Internal use, for "normal" state
  • [200 - 255] - Lamp Indexes

Lamp Indexing

The lamps are accessed adding 200 to them, so if the lamp array is as follows

lamps = [lampA, lampB, lampC]

To access lampB you'll send the code 201


Number of Lamps - 150 Sentinel

On connection send this command to receive the number of connected lamps

150 198

You'll receive one answer with the number of connected lamps

Lamps Brightness

For Every Lamp - 160 Sentinel

To receive the brightness of every lamp, send

160 198

You'll receive an answer for each connected lamp with a value from 0 to 100

For Specific Lamp - 160 Index Sentinel

To receive the brightness of a specific lamp send the command followed by the lamp index, so:

160 201 198

Would send you the brightness from the second lamp in the array


Change Lamp Brightness

For Every Lamp - 170 Value Sentinel

To change every lamp brightness you have to send the value between 0 and 100, so to have every lamp at half brightness you would send this

170 50 198

For Specific Lamp - 170 Value Index Sentinel

To change a lamp's brightness you have to send the value between 0 and 100 followed by the index of the lamp. So to turn a Lamp off you would send something like this.

170 0 200 198

While to have it at half brightness you could send

170 50 200 198


An open-source arduino framework to control lamps.







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