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venice1200 edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 22 revisions


An ESPxx is using up to ~200mA of current, the SSD1322 up to ~150mA. This all depends on the quality of used boards, workload, shown pixels and so on. Please keep this in mind when connecting all this stuff to MiSTer's USB port, especially when using passive USB hubs in connection with other devices, like keyboards, mices, joysticks ... A single originating USB port delivers a current of 500mA maximum.


Most of the SSD1322 Displays can handle more than one Communication Interface/Protocol like 3SPI, 4SPI, 80xx or 68xx.
Make sure your Display supports the 4SPI Mode and/or can be modified for this.
Normally you just need to replace one 0 Ohm resitor (see R5/R6 below) or open/close a solder bridge.

Connection Scheme TTGO-T8 and SSD1322 OLED

Connection Scheme TTGO-SSD1322

OLED SSD1322 ESP32 TTGO-T8 SPI Function
2 (VDD) 3.3V Power/VDD
3 (NC) NC
4 (DB0) 18 SPI SCLK
5 (DB1) 23 SPI MOSI
6 (DB2) NC
7 (DB3) GND
8 (DB4) GND
9 (DB5) GND
10 (DB6) GND
11 (DB7) GND
12 (/RD) GND
13 (/WR) GND
14 (DC) 25 OLED DC
15 (/RST) 27 OLED RST
16 (/CS) 26 OLED CS

See also

Connection Scheme Lolin32 (Wemos) and SSD1322

Connection Scheme Lolin32 Wemos-SSD1322

Connection Scheme NodeMCU and SSD1322

Connection Scheme NodeMCU-SSD1322

Connection Scheme Devkitc V4 and SSD1322

Connection Scheme Devkitc_v4-SSD1322

Connection Scheme Lolin32 (Non Wemos) and SSD1322

โ— This MCU uses an CH340 USB-Serial Chip which is currently not supported from the MiSTer.
Connection Scheme Lolin32 Non Wemos-SSD1322

Connection Scheme NodeMCU and SSD1322 (NewHaven)

Thanks to stefer09
Connection Scheme NodeMCU-SSD1322NH

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