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Repository files navigation

Blinks LED when button is pressed.


  1. Goto Intel -> Solutions -> FPGA Developers -> Downloads.
  2. Download and install Quartus.

Create project

  1. File -> New Project Wizard
  2. Introduction
  3. Next
  4. Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity
  5. Working directory: D:\Documents\button
  6. Name of project: button
  7. Name of top-level design entity: button
  8. Next
  9. Project Type
  10. Empty project
  11. Next
  12. Add Files
  13. Next
  14. Family & Device Settings
  15. Device family: Family: Cyclone IV E
  16. Target device: EP4CE6E22C8
  17. Next
  18. EDA Tool Settings
  19. Simulation: Tool Name: ModelSim-Altera, Format(s): VHDL
  20. Next
  21. Summary
  22. Finish

Write code

  1. File -> New
  2. VHDL File
