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Estimation, comparison and data collection for protein backbone angle distributions

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This repo contains an implementation of a toolkit for analysis of protein backbone structure, specifically for: (i) estimating the distribution of dihedral angles and quantifying the differences between such distributions; (ii) finding matched pairs of proteins with regions of identical sequence and contacts but different backbone structure; (iii) collection of protein datasets from the PDB which contain codon and altloc information.

It contains the code required to collect the data and reproduce the results of these papers:

Aviv A. Rosenberg, Ailie Marx, Alex Bronstein.
"A catalogue of alternately located segments in protein crystal structures."
Unpublished (2024).

Aviv A. Rosenberg, Alex M. Bronstein, Ailie Marx.
"Does one sequence always translate to one structure?"
Unpublished (2023).

Aviv A. Rosenberg, Nitsan Yehishalom, Ailie Marx, Alex Bronstein.
"An amino domino model described by a cross peptide bond Ramachandran plot
defines amino acid pairs as local structural units"
PNAS (2023).

Aviv A. Rosenberg, Ailie Marx and Alex M. Bronstein.
"Codon-specific Ramachandran plots show amino acid backbone conformation depends on
identity of the translated codon".
Nature Communications (2022).

When using this code, please cite the relevant work.

Initial set-up

This package was developed and tested on both Linux and macOS. It might work on Windows, however this was not tested and is not supported.

  1. Install the python3 version of mamba (or conda). If installing from scratch, follow the installation instructions here. Note that it's strongly recommended to use mamba instead of conda for this project, since it's much faster to solve the environment. In case you have a pre-existing installation of conda, you can install mamba in addition by running conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge.
  2. If on Apple slicon hardware (M1/M2 mac) run export CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64. before installing the environments.
  3. Optional: install the arpeggio environment by running
    mamba env create -n arpeggio -f environment-arpeggio.yml
    Note that arpeggio is installed into a separate environment because it requires packages which are incompatible with the main pp5 environment.
  4. Install the pp5 environment by running
    mamba env create -n pp5 -f environment.yml
  5. Optional: test the arpeggio installation by running
    mamba run -n arpeggio arpeggio --help
    You should see an arpeggio help message and usage info.
  6. Activate the main environment by running
    mamba activate pp5
  7. Install the pp5 package itself: pip install -e . (make sure to note the .).
  8. To make sure everything is working, run all the tests by running pytest.

Using the CLI

Some examples of using the CLI are provided below. Use the --help flag to see all options. For example, to see available commands:

pp5 --help

To see available options for one command (e.g. pgroup):

pp5 pgroup --help

To collect a single protein record with default options:

pp5 prec --pdb-id 2WUR:A

This will generate output CSV files in the out/prec directory.

To collect a single protein group, where a reference protein is matched by sequence and structure to query structures and the potential-contact environments are compared:

pp5 pgroup --ref-pdb-id 2WUR:A --match-len 2 --context-len 1 --compare-contacts

This will generate output CSV files in the out/prgroup directory.

Re-collecting the altloc dataset

To re-collect the dataset described in our paper "A catalogue of alternately located segments in protein crystal structures", use the following bash script. Note that due to updates on the PDB servers over time, re-collecting the data will not produce exactly the same dataset as was analyzed in the paper.

set -eux

# Clear prec CSV output dir and global pp5 cache
rm -rf out/prec
rm -rf /tmp/pp5_data

pp5 \
  -p="$PROCESSES" collect-prec \
  --async-timeout="$ASYNC_TIMEOUT" \
  --async-retry-delta="$ASYNC_RETRY_DELTA" \
  --expr-sys="" \
  --source-taxid="" \
  --resolution="$RESOLUTION" \
  --r-free="$RFREE" \
  --query-max-chains="$MAX_CHAINS" \
  --seq-similarity-thresh="$SIMILARITY" \
  --pdb-source="rc" \
  --out-tag="altlocs-$TAG" \
  --with-altlocs \
  --with-backbone \
  --with-contacts \

The data will be collected to a subfolder with a name containing the out-tag, within the out/ folder (which will be created in the pwd).

Reproducing "Does one sequence always translate to one structure?"

The data collection and structure pair matching can be performed by running pp5 collect-pgroup, with appropriate options provided as explained below.

Running contact analysis and structure pair matching

To re-collect the data used for the analysis and generate the raw list of protein structure pairs with matching sequence and contacts but different structure, use the following bash script.


EXPR_ECOLI="Escherichia Coli"
REJECTION_ARGS="--b-max=50 --plddt-min=70 --sa-outlier-cutoff=2.5 --angle-aggregation=max_res"
MATCH_ARGS="--match-len=2 --context-len=1"
PDB_SOURCE="re" # rc, re, af

pp5 \
    -p="$PROCESSES" collect-pgroup \
    --expr-sys="$EXPR_ECOLI" \
    --source-taxid="$SRC_ALL" \
    --resolution="$RESOLUTION" \
    --no-strict-codons \
    --pdb-source=$PDB_SOURCE \
    --out-tag "ex_EC-src_ALL-${RESOLUTION/./}-$PDB_SOURCE"

Note that the PROCESSES variable controls the number of concurrent processes used for the collection and analysis. It can generally be set close to the number of cores available on the machine. Running this analysis on the entire PDB can take several days, depending on the number of available cores. To run on smaller subsets of the PDB, you can restrict the search using the supplied options, or even collect just a single protein group as shown in the previous section.

Reproducing "An Amino Domino Model"

To generate the clusters and sub-clusters shown in the paper, use the notebooks/generate_clusters.ipynb. Point the DATASET_FILE in the notebook to the dataset file from the supplementary data (precs-non-redundant.csv). Alternatively, you may re-collect the dataset as described below.

Re-collecting the data

To re-collect the data used for the analysis, use the following bash script, which will collect the relevant non-redundant protein structures from the PDB, and extract their backbone atom positions. Note that due to updates on the PDB servers over time, re-collecting the data will not produce exactly the same dataset as was analyzed in the paper.


EXPR_ECOLI="Escherichia Coli"

set -eux
pp5 -p="$PROCESSES" collect-prec \
  --expr-sys="$EXPR_ECOLI" \
  --source-taxid="$SRC_ALL" \
  --resolution="$RESOLUTION" \
  --seq-similarity-thresh="$SIMILARITY" \
  --pdb-source=$PDB_SOURCE \
  --out-tag="ex_EC-src_ALL-$TAG" \
  --async-timeout="$TIMEOUT" \
  --with-backbone \

The data will be collected to a subfolder with a name containing the out-tag, within the out/ folder (which will be created in the pwd). Within the collected data folder, the relevant dataset file is data-precs.csv.

Reproducing "Codon Specific Ramachandran Plots"

The data collection can be performed by runningpp5 collect-prec (with appropriate options), and the analysis can be performed by running pp5 analyze-pointwise (with appropriate options).

Running the analysis

To run the analysis with the same configuration as in the paper, use the following bash script. You may point the DATASET_DIR to the folder containing the dataset published along with the paper.


# Edit these to suit your needs

# Values used in the paper results

set -eux
pp5 -p="$PROCESSES" \
 analyze-pointwise \
 --dataset-dir="$DATASET_DIR" \
 --min-group-size="$MIN_GROUP" \
 --kde-width="$KDE_WIDTH" \
 --kde-nbins="$KDE_NBINS" \
 --ddist-statistic="$DDIST_STATISTIC" \
 --ddist-k="$DDIST_K" \
 --ddist-k-min="$DDIST_K_MIN" \
 --ddist-k-th="$DDIST_K_TH" \
 --ddist-bs-niter="$DDIST_BS_NITER" \
 --ddist-n-max="$DDIST_NMAX" \
 --ddist-kernel-size="$DDIST_KERNEL_SIZE" \
 --fdr="$FDR" \
 --comparison-types aa cc \
 --ignore-omega \

Alternatively, a comparable python script is available in scripts/ which can be used as a wrapper to reproduce the results.

Re-collecting the data

To re-collect the data used for the analysis, use the following bash script. Note that due to updates on the PDB servers over time, re-collecting the data will not produce exactly the same dataset as was analyzed in the paper.


EXPR_ECOLI="Escherichia Coli"

set -eux
pp5 -p="$PROCESSES" \
 collect-prec \
 --expr-sys="$EXPR_ECOLI" \
 --source-taxid="$SRC_ECOLI" \
 --resolution="$RESOLUTION" \
 --seq-similarity-thresh="$SIMILARITY" \
 --out-tag="ex_EC-src_EC-$TAG" \
 --async-timeout="$TIMEOUT" \

The data will be collected to a subfolder with a name containing the out-tag, within the out/ folder (which will be created in the pwd). The analysis command should then be pointed to the collected data folder.


Estimation, comparison and data collection for protein backbone angle distributions






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