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Mobile solution for your festival, conference or event.


  • Everybody sees:
    • Timeline - Schedule overview by time and day.
    • Event detail - Includes: Time, Place (with link), Content, Subevents, Sign In/Out button.
    • Timetable - View on event entries by the axis Time and Place.
    • My schedule - Attendee can add event entries into his own list.
    • News/Notifications - Receive news/notifications relevant to event.
    • Map - Map with current user location and places with custom icons and description.
    • Info - Various information supporting clickable phone numbers, e-mails or other hypertext.
    • Songs - Page with list of Songs with possibility to increase font size.
  • Signed in user sees:
    • User profile - Name, e-mail, sex, role, accommodation (with link).
    • Limited capacity events.
    • Groups (discuss groups).
    • Synchronized "My schedule".
  • Admin sees:
    • Admin dashboard with possibility to change: Information, Events, Places, Groups, Exclusivity, Users.
    • User import from CSV table.
    • Send News/Notifications.
    • Change or delete content of Event, Information or News via included Text Editor.
  • Other features
    • Available on Android, iOS and Web.
    • Available Offline: Timeline, Event detail, Timetable, My Schedule, News, Map, Info, Songs, User profile.
    • Languages: English, Czech, Slovak, Polish, German, Ukrainan.


The solution is based on the Flutter framework with the Dart language. As a backend, the serverless service Supabase is used. Both technologies were chosen to speed up development, and they have effectively met this requirement.

Currently in production

Links to phone install are usually saved in info section.

Latest development


  • Full support for offline display mode on web (and pwa app).
  • Notifications support for web (and pwa app).
  • Settings page (enable notifications, language).
  • Install page with links to install app on phone or PC (example: ).


  • Optimized data usage for events and information.
  • Enabled custom icons for map places.
  • Zooming in/out for Timetable.
  • Displaying current time in Timetable and Time Travel component.
  • Generated QR code for users and companions.
  • Approver page for checking QR codes and workshop attendees.


  • User registration flow and sign-up page.
  • Companion feature: Users can create a limited number of companions and assign them to workshops.


  • Reset password flow.
  • Enabled event type and hiding.


  • Specialized page for song lyrics.
  • Database and URL support for multiple events.


  • Full support for offline display mode (if connection is not available, data from cache will be used). Simply open the application once and data will be loaded in the background.
  • Timetable display of the program (scrollable page with a time axis and locations).
  • Creation of my program using the + button (even without the need to log in).
  • Full support for URLs (ability to link to pages in the web version of the application).
  • Ukrainian language added among the languages.


The app was originally developed by a team of volunteers for Absolventský Velehrad event in 2023.