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Folders and files

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Homeworks from the Introduction to Java programming language course.

Homework 1 - Introduction to Java

Solved six simple problems using Java.

Homework 2 - Introduction to OOP - Classes

Created a class that is used as a collection interface and a linked list implementation. Created a stack from that linked list using the Adapter design pattern.

Homework 3 - Lexer and Parser

  • Created a simple lexer with unit test as an example.
  • Created a lexer and parser for a script language called SmartScript

Homework 4 - Introduction to OOP - Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Created another implementation of the String class.
    • Using an unmodifiable char array to store the characters.
    • Creating substrings in O(1) by using the same character array.
    • Using Rabin-Karp algorithm to implement the find method in O(n).
  • Created a simple raster drawing app that can draw circles, quadriterals and triangles.

Homework 5 - Simple Hash Table

Implemented a simple hash table collection. The hash table uses linked lists in case of multiple values having the same hash code. Implemented the Iterator design pattern.

Homework 6 - Collections

  • Implemented an IntegerStorage collection that uses the Observer design pattern.
  • Created a generic collection that can return the median of the elements in it.
  • Created an iterable prime number collection that has a givne number of elements and is able to iterate througt them, without storing them in memory.
  • Created a multistack collection that acts as a map and allows to store multiple values with the same key.

Homework 7 - Files

  • Created a console application that can:
    • calculate the SHA checksum of a file and check if it is the same as expectd.
    • encrypt a file using AES crypto-algorithm
    • decrypt a file using AES crypto-algorithm
  • Part 2 of the homework is available once encrypted with part 1.
  • Created a command prompt console application that supports the following:
    • multiline commands
    • cat - prints out the given file
    • charsets - lists out names of supported charsets
    • copy - copies the source file to the destination path
    • exit - exits from the shell
    • help - writes down all the commands with their description, provides aditional help for every comand.
    • hexdump - prints a hexdump of a given file
    • ls - prints the content of the current folder with all the file attributes
    • mkdir - creates a folder
    • tree - prints a hierarchical view of everything in the current folder and all it's subfolders.

Homework 8 - CPU and Assembly simulation

Created a simulation of a CPU writen in Java that is able to execute an assembly language created just for this simulation. Created a few assembly programms like a recursive fibonacci calculation to test everything. Using mockito for unit tests.

Homework 9 - Parallelization

  • Created a program that draws fractals using Newton-Raphson iteration.
  • Created a ray-tracer for rendering of 3D scenes.

Homework 10 - Swing

  • Created a custom layout manager.
  • Created a calculator app that supports stack operations.
  • Created an app that can create and display bar charts.

Homework 11 - Simple text editor

Created a simpe Notepad++ clone with the following features:

  • create new document
  • open document
  • save document
  • save document as (warn user if the document already exists)
  • close document (warn user if it is not saved)
  • cut/copy/paste text
  • statistical information
  • display current date and time
  • change language
  • display multiple documents in diferent tabs

All features are available from:

  • menus
  • dockable toolbars
  • keyboard shortcuts

The application is translated into 3 languages: English, Croatian and German. The internationalization is done in such a way to enable the user to change the language while using the application, and still enabling the garbage collector to remove unused objects.

Homework 12 - Webserver

Created a webserver that is able to:

  • handle HTTP requests
  • store cookies
  • execute SmartScript scripts (a script language created in homework 3)
  • display html pages
  • display pictures

Used the Visitor design pattern and Composite design pattern in order to create the engine to execute SmartScript scripts.

Homework 13 - Java Server pages

Created a few simple web pages with the following options:

  • Change the background color
  • Calculate the values of sin(x) and cos(x) of all the angles x in a given interval.
  • Show a short story with random text color.
  • Create a report for a survey about OS usages with dynamically created charts.
  • Calculate powers of a given number and download the result as a Microsoft Office Excel document.

Homework 14 - Databases

Created a database and an web application for surveys. After voting for something in the survey, the app displays the results in a table, displays a pie chart with the result data and allows the user to download the votes as a Microsoft Office Excel document.

Homework 15 - Java Persistence API

Created a web application for a blog using hibernate with second level cashing. The app allows:

  • Creating a new user
  • Writing a blog post
  • Reading a blog post from another user
  • Editing a blog post
  • Commenting a blog post

Homework 16.1 - Search engine

Created a search engine and a console application that enables the user to use it. The search engine searches through documents that are in a folder that is given as an argument while starting the application. The console application allows teh user to search for a given phrase and see the most relevant results. He is also able to ead the whole document in the console.

Homework 16.2 - Paint

Created a paint application with the following options:

  • Choosing the background and foreground color
  • Drawing shapes like lines and circles
  • Displaying a list of all the objects
  • Saving the picture as a .jpeg image
  • Saving the picture in a format that can be opened and edited again
  • Opening pictures
  • Editing objects

Homework 17 - Android

Created a simple calculator app that supports sending error reports using e-mail.

Homewprk 18 - Frontend technologies

Created a single page application for a picture gallery. All pictures are categorized and a single picture can be in multiple categories. Used technologies:

  • JavaScript
  • AJAX
  • jQuery
  • CSS


Homeworks from Java Course







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