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The purpose of these scripts is to autoplay certain battles in Final Fantasy Record Keeper on an emulator.


  • Computer with the ability to change display resolution to 1920x1080 (if your max resolution is less than that, you will likely have to manually create the images in the images folder yourself)
  • MuMu App Player (
  • FFRK installed and working on MuMu
  • AutoHotkey (
  • A strong and consistent team that can beat the battle you intend to repeat (this script can't substitute for bad teambuilding)


  1. Open config_example.txt with a text editor of your choice (such as notepad). Each of these lines can be customized for your specific needs. Below are some of the more important ones.
  • boss refers to which raid boss you wish to tackle. The name is completely lowercased and if made up of two or more words, the words are separated by an underscore such as red_dragon

  • use_rw refers to whether you wish to make use of a specific roaming warrior soul break during your battle. 1 means yes, 0 means no.

  • rw_name refers to the name of the roaming warrior soul break you wish to use (ignore if you set the previous setting to 0). Currently supporting Onion Knight pUSB (pusb), Tyro's Divine Veil Grimoire (dvg), Terra's ASB (terra_asb), and Sora's AASB (sora_aasb). Contact me by writing an issue here if you want support for more.

  • characters refers to the names of the characters of your team, separated by commas. (remove special characters from names e.g. y'shtola should be yshtola)

  • char_orders are the commands you want the characters to make in the game. For example, if your yda is equipped with mako might and you want her to immediately use her soul break followed by 3 casts of her second ability and repeat, then this is what it looks like: char_orders = sb, ab2, ab2, ab2 possible orders include att, def, ab1, ab2, sb, rw, and mag (though no magicite is currently allowed in raid battles)

  1. When you're done editing config_example.txt, save it as config.txt in the same folder.
  2. Double click ffrk_raid.ahk and there should be a green H icon on the right side of your taskbar
  3. Open ffrk in MuMu and go to the raid screen that displays the difficulty
  4. Press Ctr-Alt-C and the script will start running


  • "the script won't start" - this is mainly caused by the script unable to find the image. Possible solutions include:
    • From u/moogleknight: I tried many different resolutions and nada. However, I did a quick google search about the 'ImageSearch' function that AHK was using and after some reading, I turned off Anti-aliasing and Gamma correction in my Nvidia control panel and the script started to work. My guess is that the gamma correction changed the color of the images enough that they were no longer recognised as matching.
    • Increase the shade variation option to a higher value (although above 100 is not recommended).



  • ffrk_realm.ahk was added for repeating certain realm dungeons.
  • To use that script, you must edit config_realm_example.txt instead and save it as config_realm.txt (there are additional options with comments detailing what they do in the example file).
  • Currently the only realm dungeon repeatable is fabul castle.
  • In order for the script to work, you must first clear fabul castle once, since the game will display the last dungeon completed at the top of the dungeon select. Then press Ctr-Alt-C at the dungeon select and the script should work.



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