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ICPP - Running C++ in anywhere like a script

Interpreting C++, executing the source and executable like a script.

  • Writing powerful script using C++ just as easy as Python;
  • Writing hot-loading C++ script code in running process;
  • Based on Unicorn Engine qemu virtual cpu and Clang/LLVM C++ compiler;
  • Integrated Boost internally with Standard C++23 supported;
  • To reuse the existing C/C++ library as an icpp module extension is extremely simple.

Copyright (c) 2024.


* Source Executable Package Memory Resident
ICPP C++ ARM64/X86_64 Object imod for *.icpp iopad/icpp-gadget
LLI C++ LLVM-IR Bitcode N/A N/A
Python Python Bytecode pip for *.wheel N/A
Frida JavaScript Bytecode N/A frida/frida-gadget


Using ICPP to write C++ code just as a script. Write and then run directly, no creating project, no configuring build, no compiling, no linking...

No matter if you're a beginner or an expert with C++, ICPP is suitable for you. With ICPP, you can focus on:

  • Writing snippet code to study any of the newest C++ features;
  • Writing glue script to do some tasks;
  • Writing test code before applying to the formal project;
  • Writing sample code to study some new third C/C++ libraries;
  • Making native plugin development scriptable, i.e., writing plugin using C++ dynamically.
  • Tracing, profiling, performance optimizing;
  • And so on...

ICPP, make programming all in one.

How it works


graph LR
    A(C++ Source) -- Clang --> B(Object)
    B -- Loader --> C(ICPP Interpreter)
    A(C++ Source) -- --> H(IObject)
    H(IObject) -- Parser --> C
    E(Executable) -- Loader --> C
    C -- Unicorn --> D(Output)
    C -- Tracer --> F(Traces)
    C -- Profiler --> G(Profiles)


graph LR
    A(C++ Source) -- ICPP --> B(IObject)
    B -- IOPAD --> C(ICPP Gadget)
    C -- Interpreter --> D(Run in Process)
    C -- Extension --> E(Hooking/Tracing)
    C -- Extension --> F(Testing)



  • icpp: a local C++ source compiler, interpreter and REPL used to interpret C++ directly;
  • imod: an icpp module package manager tool used to install, uninstall and show the third-party modules;
  • iopad: a local C++ source compiler driver, object launch pad and REPL for the remote icpp-gadget;
  • icpp-gadget: a remote memory resident daemon which may run inside an Android/iOS process, waiting for iopad to send the interpretable object to execute.


vpand@MacBook-Pro icpp % icpp -h              
OVERVIEW: ICPP v0.0.1.255 based on Unicorn and Clang/LLVM.
  Interpreting C++, running C++ in anywhere like a script.

USAGE: icpp [options] file0 [file1 ...] [-- args]
  -v, -version: print icpp version.
  --version: print icpp and clang version.
  -h, -help: print icpp help list.
  --help: print icpp and clang help list.
  -O0, -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os: optimization level passed to clang, default to -O2.
  -I/path/to/include: header include directory passed to clang.
  -L/path/to/library: library search directory passed to icpp interpreter.
  -lname: full name of the dependent library file passed to icpp interpreter, 
    e.g.: liba.dylib,, a.dll.
  -F/path/to/framework: framework search directory passed to icpp interpreter.
  -fname: framework name of the dependent library file passed to icpp interpreter.
  -p/path/to/json: a json configuration file for trace/profile/plugin/etc..
FILES: input file can be C++ source code(.c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx), MachO/ELF/PE executable.
ARGS: arguments passed to the main entry function of the input files.

  icpp -- Hello World 
    i.e.: argc=3, argv[]={"", "Hello", "World"}
  icpp -O3
  icpp -O0 -p/path/to/profile.json
  icpp -p/path/to/trace.json helloworld.exe
  icpp -I/qt/include -L/qt/lib
  icpp -I/qt/include -L/qt/lib -lQtCore.dll
  icpp -I/qt/include -F/qt/framework -fQtCore


vpand@MacBook-Pro icpp % icpp     
ICPP v0.0.1.255. Copyright (c)
Running C++ in anywhere like a script.
>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>> puts("Hello, world.")   
Hello, world.
>>> #include <iostream> 
>>> std::cout << "Hello, world." << std::endl
Hello, world.
>>> std::cout << std::hex << 88888888 << std::endl


vpand@MacBook-Pro icpp % imod -h                
OVERVIEW: ICPP, Interpreting C++, running C++ in anywhere like a script.
  IObject Module Manager Tool built with ICPP v0.0.1.255
USAGE: imod [options]


Generic Options:

  --help               - Display available options (--help-hidden for more)
  --help-list          - Display list of available options (--help-list-hidden for more)
  --version            - Display the version of this program

ICPP Module Manager Options:

  --create=<string>    - Create an icpp package from a json configuration file.
  --install=<string>   - Install an icpp package file.
  --list               - List all the installed modules.
  --uninstall=<string> - Uninstall an installed module.


vpand@MacBook-Pro icpp % iopad -h
OVERVIEW: ICPP, Interpreting C++, running C++ in anywhere like a script.
  IObject Launch Pad Tool built with ICPP v0.0.1.255
USAGE: iopad [options]


Generic Options:

  --help            - Display available options (--help-hidden for more)
  --help-list       - Display list of available options (--help-list-hidden for more)
  --version         - Display the version of this program

ICPP Interpretable Object Launch Pad Options:

  --fire=<string>   - Fire the input source file to the connected remote icpp-gadget to execute it.
  --incdir=<string> - Specify the include directory for compilation, can be multiple.
  --ip=<string>     - Set the remote ip address of icpp-gadget.
  --ndk=<string>    - Set the Android NDK root path, default to the parent directory of the ndk-build in PATH.
  --port=<int>      - Set the connection port.
  --repl            - Enter into a REPL interactive shell to fire the input snippet code to the connected remote icpp-gadget to execute it.



  • macOS ARM64 ✔
  • Under developing...
OS C++ Source X86_64 Binary AArch64 Binary X86_64 on AArch64 AArch64 on X86_64


To build your own version of icpp, make sure all of the prerequisites are in your system PATH environment:

  • CMake (version >= 3.20);
  • Python (Windows), Python3 (macOS/Linux);
  • Ninja (Windows), Make (macOS/Linux);
  • Visual Studio with LLVM Toolchain (Windows);


# clone icpp
git clone --depth=1
cd icpp
# clone llvm, unicorn engine, boost, etc.
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth=1
mkdir build
cd build


Windows X86_64

# all the following steps must be done in "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS"
# or
# run VS_ROOT/.../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsall.bat to initialize for 'x64'
vcvarsall x64
# we use clang-cl as our compiler, to make it working, you should:
# have installed the Visual Studio with LLVM Toolchain support.
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-cl -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang-cl -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Windows ARM64

# all the following steps must be done in "ARM64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS"
# or
# run VS_ROOT/.../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsall.bat to initialize for 'arm64'
vcvarsall arm64
# we use clang-cl as our compiler, to make it working, you should:
# have installed the Visual Studio with LLVM Toolchain support.
# Because of the cmake script of boost and unicorn has kind of hardcode snippet for 
# some paths, like the path of lib.exe, assembler search directory, so we have some 
# extra steps to make this cmake command working:
# 1.copy llvm-lib.exe as lib.exe in LLVM_ROOT/bin;
# 2.copy VC_ROOT/bin/armasm64.exe to LLVM_ROOT/bin;

Linux AArch64/X86_64

# create the clang to be customized building scripts
cmake -B clangconf -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../cmake/clangconf
# build our clang compiler with itself's libc++ support
cmake --build clangconf -- clang runtimes -j8
# use the clang that we built before as our compiler
cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$PWD/llvm/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$PWD/llvm/bin/clang -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

macOS ARM64/X86_64

# if your system default clang doesn't support C++20 before the version of macOS 11,
# you should compile your own clang and apply it like on Linux
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..


# build the protoc compiler
cmake --build . -- protoc -j8
# build all the icpp components
cmake --build . -- icpp icppcli imod iopad icpp-gadget -j8


You can visit for more information on VM, VMProtect, Clang/LLVM and Reverse Engineering products.

Or if you have any questions, just feel free to email to me: