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Merge pull request #44 from Pduhard/master
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feat: improve type definition for Abitbol classes
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flozz committed Jun 3, 2024
2 parents f2383df + 21100c0 commit b54a107
Showing 1 changed file with 154 additions and 50 deletions.
204 changes: 154 additions & 50 deletions types/abitbol.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,64 +1,168 @@
export = Class
// #region Constructor Arguments

type PropName<T extends string> = Uncapitalize<T>
type InitArgType<E, I> = E extends { __init__: (...args: infer A) => any }
? A
: I extends { __init__: (...args: infer A) => any }
? A
: any[]

type GetterPropNameFromGet<T extends string> = T extends `get${infer Prefix}` ? PropName<Prefix> : never;
type GetterPropNameFromSet<T extends string> = T extends `is${infer Prefix}` ? PropName<Prefix> : never;
type GetterPropName<T extends string> = GetterPropNameFromGet<T> | GetterPropNameFromSet<T>
type GetterValue<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : any;
// #endregion

type ObjectDescriptor<Type> = {
[Property in keyof Type]: Type[Property];
// #region Computed Properties

type StringKey<Type> = keyof Type extends string ? keyof Type : never;
type GetterIdentifier<K> = K extends `get${infer R}` | `is${infer R}` | `has${infer R}` ? Uncapitalize<R> : never;
type SetterIdentifier<K> = K extends `set${infer R}` ? Uncapitalize<R> : never;
type GetterOrSetterIdentifier<K> = K extends `get${infer R}` | `is${infer R}` | `has${infer R}` | `set${infer R}` ? Uncapitalize<R> : never;
type ReadonlyGetterIdentifier<I, SI> = Pick<SI, Exclude<keyof SI, keyof I>> extends string ? never : I;

type ComputedProps<Type> = {
[Property in StringKey<Type> as GetterPropName<Property>]: GetterValue<Type[Property]>
type GetterValue<V> = V extends () => infer R ? R : never;
type SetterValue<V> = V extends (value: infer R) => void ? R : never;

type AbitbolComputedProps<Type> = ObjectDescriptor<Type> & ComputedProps<Type>
type ClassDescriptor = {
[x: string]: any,
__include__: any[],
__classvars__: any,
__init__(...args: any[]): void,
__preBuild__(properties, NewClass, SuperClass): void,
__postBuild__(properties, NewClass, SuperClass): void,
type ExtractGetters<T> = {
[K in keyof T as GetterIdentifier<K>]: GetterValue<T[K]>;

type ExtractSetters<T> = {
[K in keyof T as SetterIdentifier<K>]: SetterValue<T[K]>;

type ExtractSetterIdentifier<T> = {
[K in keyof T as SetterIdentifier<K>]: K;

type ExtractReadonlyGetters<T> = {
readonly [K in keyof T as ReadonlyGetterIdentifier<GetterIdentifier<K>, ExtractSetterIdentifier<T>>]: GetterValue<T[K]>;

type WritableOrReadonly<A, R> = R & Pick<A, Exclude<keyof A, keyof R>>;
type Getter<P> = WritableOrReadonly<ExtractGetters<P>, ExtractReadonlyGetters<P>>;
type Setter<P> = ExtractSetters<P>;
type GetterAndSetter<P> = Getter<P> & Setter<P>;

type GetGetterMethodName<K extends string, P> = `get${Capitalize<K>}` extends keyof P
? `get${Capitalize<K>}` : `is${Capitalize<K>}`extends keyof P
? `is${Capitalize<K>}` : `has${Capitalize<K>}`extends keyof P
? `has${Capitalize<K>}` : undefined;

type GetSetterMethodName<K extends string, P> = `set${Capitalize<K>}`extends keyof P
? `set${Capitalize<K>}` : undefined;

type IsGetterOrSetterIdentifier<K> = K extends `get${string}` | `is${string}` | `has${string}` | `set${string}` ? K : never;

type MayBeSetter<T> = T extends undefined ? {} : { set: T };
type MayBeGetter<T> = T extends undefined ? {} : { get: T };

// #endregion

// #region Mixin

type UnionToIntersection<U> =
(U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void)
? I
: never;

type UnionOfArrayElements<T> = T extends (infer U)[] ? U : never;

type ExtractUnion<T> = T extends { __include__: infer U } ? UnionOfArrayElements<U> : never;

type ExtractMixins<E, I extends { prototype: any }> = UnionToIntersection<ExtractUnion<E & I["prototype"]>>

type ExtractMixinsStaticProperties<T> = T extends { __include__: infer U }
? UnionToIntersection<ExtractStaticProperties<UnionOfArrayElements<U>>>
: NonNullable<unknown>

// #endregion

declare interface AbitbolClass<T> {
new(params?: any): AbitbolObject<T>,
// #region Static Properties

type ExtractStaticProperties<T> = (T extends { __classvars__: infer U } ? U : NonNullable<unknown>)
& ExtractMixinsStaticProperties<T>;

// #endregion

// #region Special Properties

type ExtractAttributesPropertiesKeys<P> = {
[K in keyof P]: P[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? never : K;
}[keyof P]

type ExtractMethodsPropertiesKeys<P> = {
[K in keyof P]: P[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? K : never;
}[keyof P]

type AttributesPropertiesKeys<P> = ExtractAttributesPropertiesKeys<P>;

type MethodsPropertiesKeys<P> = ExtractMethodsPropertiesKeys<P>;

type SuperVariables<P> = {
$class: any,
$data: Record<string, any>,
$map: {
attributes: {}
methods: {}
computedProperties: {}
attributes: {
[K in AttributesPropertiesKeys<P>]: true;
computedProperties: {
[K in keyof GetterAndSetter<P> & string]:
& MayBeGetter<GetGetterMethodName<K, P>>
& MayBeSetter<GetSetterMethodName<K, P>>
& { annotations: Record<string, any> }
methods: {
[K in MethodsPropertiesKeys<P>]: {
annotations: Record<string, any>,
$extend<ClassDescriptor>(properties: ClassDescriptor): AbitbolClass<ClassDescriptor & T>

declare type AbitbolObject<Type> = AbitbolComputedProps<Type> & {
$class: AbitbolClass<Type>,
$map: {
attributes: {},
methods: {},
computedProperties: {},
$data: any,
$super(...args): any,
$name: string,
$computedPropertyName: string,
type WithSpecialProperties<E, I extends { prototype: any }, K extends keyof E, PI> = PI
& (I["prototype"][K] extends CallableFunction ? { $super: I["prototype"][K] } : NonNullable<unknown>)
& (K extends IsGetterOrSetterIdentifier<K> ? { $computedPropertyName: GetterOrSetterIdentifier<K> } : NonNullable<unknown>)
& { $name: K }

type InjectSpecialProperties<E, I extends { prototype: any }, PI> = {
[K in keyof E]: E[K] extends (...args: infer A) => infer R
? (this: WithSpecialProperties<E, I, K, PI>, ...args: A) => R
: E[K]

declare namespace Class {
function $class(): void
namespace $class {
namespace $map {
const attributes: {}
const methods: {}
const computedProperties: {}
// #endregion

type ExtractProperties<E, I extends { prototype: any }, SP> = Omit<
Omit<I["prototype"], keyof E | keyof SP> & E & ExtractMixins<E, I>,
"__include__" | "__classvars__"

type PublicInstance<P, S> = GetterAndSetter<P> & S & P

type PrivateInstance<E, I extends { prototype: any }, PI> = InjectSpecialProperties<E, I, PI>;

export type ExtendedAbitbolClass<E, I, SP, P, S, PI> = Omit<I, keyof E>
& { prototype: P }
& S
& SP
& (new (...args: InitArgType<E, I>) => PI)

export class AbitbolClass {
static $extend<
E extends object, // Extended properties
I extends { prototype: any }, // Super class
SP = ExtractStaticProperties<E & I["prototype"]>, // Static properties
P = ExtractProperties<E, I, SP>, // properties
S = SuperVariables<P>, // Super variables
PI = PublicInstance<P, S> // Public instance
this: I,
properties?: PrivateInstance<E, I, PI>
): ExtendedAbitbolClass<E, I, SP, P, S, PI>

static $class: any;

static $map: {
attributes: { },
computedProperties: { },
methods: { },

function $extend<T>(properties: T): AbitbolClass<T>
export default AbitbolClass;

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