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Yet another XKCD downloader

This is a simple, dependendency-free Python script for downloading every XKCD comic via the author's API.

Viruses so far have been really disappointing on the 'disable the internet' front, and time is running out.  When Linux/Mac win in a decade or so the game will be over.

Table of contents


To download every comic to xkcd/:

mkdir -p xkcd
curl -s | python3 - -o xkcd/


  • List information about comics in JSONL format
  • Download the latest comic or all comics to a directory of your choice
  • Automatically cache comic metadata to avoid looking up the same information over and over again
  • Automatically inject ISO-8601 dates into comic metadata to make it easier to sort and filter comics by date


Command line

The following options are available:

python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-c CACHE_DIR] [-f] [-n NUM] [--filename-policy {safe_title,filename,alt,date}] [--latest] [--download] [--sparse-output] [--limit LIMIT]

Dependency-less XKCD client

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enable debug logging
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        If provided, download comics to this directory
  -c CACHE_DIR, --cache-dir CACHE_DIR
                        If provided, cache comic metadata in this directory
  -f, --force           Force re-download
  -n NUM, --num NUM     Comic # (e.g. 1234)
  --filename-policy {safe_title,filename,alt,date}, -p {safe_title,filename,alt,date}
                        Filename policy
  --latest              Get latest comic
  --download            Download the comic
  --sparse-output       Drop empty JSON fields when listing comic metadata
  --limit LIMIT         Limit number of comics to download

The following commands are equivalent:

curl -s | python3 -

Download all comics

To download all comics to the current directory:

curl -s | python3 - --download

To download all comics to a specific directory:

curl -s | python3 - -o xkcd/

Download the latest comic

curl -s | python3 - --latest --download

To download the latest comic to a specific directory:

curl -s | python3 - --latest -o xkcd/

Get information about the latest comic

curl -s | python3 - --latest | jq
  "month": 1,
  "num": 2875,
  "link": "",
  "year": 2024,
  "news": "",
  "safe_title": "2024",
  "transcript": "",
  "alt": "It wasn't originally constitutionally required, but presidents who served two terms have traditionally followed George Washington's example and gotten false teeth.",
  "img": "",
  "title": "2024",
  "day": 1,
  "date": "2024-01-01"

Historical comics

To download all comics to the current directory:

curl -s | python3 - --download

To download all comics to a specific directory:

curl -s | python3 - -o xkcd/

To download a specific comic (e.g. #1234):

curl -s | python3 - -n 1234 -o .

To list information about every comic:

curl -s | python3 -

To list all titles:

curl -s | python3 - | jq -r '.title' | sort | uniq

To list all alt texts:

curl -s | python3 - | jq -r '.alt' | sort | uniq

To list all download URLs:

curl -s | python3 - | jq -r '.img' | sort | uniq


Lookup the latest comic

To lookup information about the latest comic:

from xkcd import Client

client = Client()
{'month': 1, 'num': 2879, 'link': '', 'year': 2024, 'news': '', 'safe_title': 'Like This One', 'transcript': '', 'alt': "A lot of sentences undergo startling shifts in mood if you add 'like this one' to the end, but high on the list is 'I'm a neurologist studying dreams.'", 'img': '', 'title': 'Like This One', 'day': 10, 'date':, 1, 10)}

Download the latest comic

To download the latest comic to the current directory:

from xkcd import Client

import os

client = Client()

To download the latest comic to a specific directory:

from xkcd import Client

client = Client()

Lookup historical comics

To list information about historical comic:

from xkcd import Client

client = Client()

comics = client.iter_comics()
for comic in comics:

Download historical comics

To download all comics to the current directory:

from xkcd import Client

client = Client()

To download all comics to a specific directory:

from xkcd import Client

client = Client()

To download a specific comic (e.g. #1234):

from xkcd import Client

client = Client()
client.download_comic(output_dir='xkcd', num=1234)


  1. There is no comic #404.

GitHub Copilot knows why

  1. XKCD has a great API. You should use it instead of scraping the website.
  2. The following information is available for each comic via the API:
curl --silent | jq 
  "month": "7",
  "num": 614,
  "link": "",
  "year": "2009",
  "news": "",
  "safe_title": "Woodpecker",
  "transcript": "[[A man with a beret and a woman are standing on a boardwalk, leaning on a handrail.]]\nMan: A woodpecker!\n<<Pop pop pop>>\nWoman: Yup.\n\n[[The woodpecker is banging its head against a tree.]]\nWoman: He hatched about this time last year.\n<<Pop pop pop pop>>\n\n[[The woman walks away.  The man is still standing at the handrail.]]\n\nMan: ... woodpecker?\nMan: It's your birthday!\n\nMan: Did you know?\n\nMan: Did... did nobody tell you?\n\n[[The man stands, looking.]]\n\n[[The man walks away.]]\n\n[[There is a tree.]]\n\n[[The man approaches the tree with a present in a box, tied up with ribbon.]]\n\n[[The man sets the present down at the base of the tree and looks up.]]\n\n[[The man walks away.]]\n\n[[The present is sitting at the bottom of the tree.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker looks down at the present.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker sits on the present.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker pulls on the ribbon tying the present closed.]]\n\n((full width panel))\n[[The woodpecker is flying, with an electric drill dangling from its feet, held by the cord.]]\n\n{{Title text: If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too.  Because we're friends!  Right?}}",
  "alt": "If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too.  Because we're friends!  Right?",
  "img": "",
  "title": "Woodpecker",
  "day": "24"
  1. The above information is lightly modified to make numbers numbers and to include a date in ISO-8601 format:
  "month": 7,
  "num": 614,
  "link": "",
  "year": 2009,
  "news": "",
  "safe_title": "Woodpecker",
  "transcript": "[[A man with a beret and a woman are standing on a boardwalk, leaning on a handrail.]]\nMan: A woodpecker!\n<<Pop pop pop>>\nWoman: Yup.\n\n[[The woodpecker is banging its head against a tree.]]\nWoman: He hatched about this time last year.\n<<Pop pop pop pop>>\n\n[[The woman walks away.  The man is still standing at the handrail.]]\n\nMan: ... woodpecker?\nMan: It's your birthday!\n\nMan: Did you know?\n\nMan: Did... did nobody tell you?\n\n[[The man stands, looking.]]\n\n[[The man walks away.]]\n\n[[There is a tree.]]\n\n[[The man approaches the tree with a present in a box, tied up with ribbon.]]\n\n[[The man sets the present down at the base of the tree and looks up.]]\n\n[[The man walks away.]]\n\n[[The present is sitting at the bottom of the tree.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker looks down at the present.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker sits on the present.]]\n\n[[The woodpecker pulls on the ribbon tying the present closed.]]\n\n((full width panel))\n[[The woodpecker is flying, with an electric drill dangling from its feet, held by the cord.]]\n\n{{Title text: If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too.  Because we're friends!  Right?}}",
  "alt": "If you don't have an extension cord I can get that too.  Because we're friends!  Right?",
  "img": "",
  "title": "Woodpecker",
  "day": 24,
  "date": "2009-07-24"


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