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Wilmix jemin edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the JSHIELD wiki!

JWEBAGENTPART2 (JSHIELD) is invented by wilmix jemin j in JDollar(JWEB) P.L at year 2017 is focused for high security with encoding and decoding the text with encryption. It is focused for high security with encoding and decoding the text with encryption.

What is the Work flow of JSHIELD?

When remoteserver compiles .Jdollar

it generates a .class file and .bs file that we already know.

When .bs is invoked in our browser it converts to .S file and deletes .class file ie)

.S is called as Security file for future use.

When you invoked in your browser the security file .S contents is displayed.


===> Focused on high security with encoding and decoding the text with encryption.




public class index {

public void JDOLLAR-Main( ) {

<! JDollar security logic !>







Program5 {

<CLASS> Prog


  public void Main()

<! JDollar logic !>




note: here you can use .dll file

in properties file and use the libraries in the main program.




public class index {

public void JDOLLAR-Main( ) {







Program5 {

<CLASS> Prog


  public void Main()

ArrayList arm1= new ArrayList();

arm1.add("name"); arm1.add("uname");arm1.add("password"); arm1.add("state"); arm1.add("coun"); arm1.add("spwd"); arm1.add("stext"); arm1.add("familydet"); arm1.add("Indent"); arm1.add("CIndent");






// security file parameters will store it in format

ArrayList armg= Request.Query(arm1,"",10,1); ("



















"); (" "); (" ");





for (int i=armg.size()-10;i<armg.size();i++) {







Name Username Password State Country Confirm Password Secret Password FamilyDetails Percentage of Marks ScoredSubject






Note: JSHIELD is focused on security projects like school marks mgt,etc.

JSHIELD is used with JDollarpart1 and JDollarpart2.