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wmutschl committed Dec 2, 2023
1 parent 094b94b commit f59201f
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Showing 10 changed files with 586 additions and 2 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/matlab.yml
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Expand Up @@ -63,4 +63,12 @@ jobs:
- name: Run week 7 scripts
uses: matlab-actions/run-command@v1
command: |
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions exercises/identification_problem_svar_solution.tex
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\item Rewrite the equations:
i_t - \beta \pi_t &= \gamma_1 i_{t-1} + \gamma_2 \pi_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t^{MP}\\
\pi_t - \delta i_t &= \gamma_3 i_{t-1} + \gamma_4 \pi_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t^{\pi}
or in matrix notation:
\underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} 1 & -\beta \\ -\delta & 1 \end{pmatrix}}_{B_0} \underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} i_t \\ \pi_t \end{pmatrix}}_{y_t} = \underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} \gamma_1 & \gamma_2 \\ \gamma_3 & \gamma_4 \end{pmatrix}}_{B_1} \underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} i_{t-1} \\ \pi_{t-1} \end{pmatrix}}_{y_{t-1}} + \underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} \varepsilon_t^{MP} \\ \varepsilon_t^{\pi} \end{pmatrix}}_{\varepsilon_t}

\item Pre-multiply both sides by \(B_0^{-1}\):
y_t = \underbrace{B_0^{-1} B_1}_{A_1} y_{t-1} + \underbrace{B_0^{-1} \varepsilon_t}_{u_t}
Note that the reduced-form innovations \(u_t\) are a composite of the underlying structural shocks \(\varepsilon_t\):
u_t = B_0^{-1} \varepsilon_t
The covariance matrices are related by:
E[u_t u_t'] = \Sigma_u = B_0^{-1} \Sigma_\varepsilon B_0^{-1'} = B_0^{-1} B_0^{-1'}
Above, we make use of a normalization rule for \(\Sigma_\varepsilon=I\).
For the example above:
B_0 = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & -\beta \\ -\delta & 1 \end{pmatrix}
B_0^{-1} = \frac{1}{\det(B_0)} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \beta \\ \delta & 1 \end{pmatrix} \equiv \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}
So the system of equations that relates reduced-form innovations to structural shocks is given by:
u_t^{i} = a \varepsilon_t^{MP} + b \varepsilon_t^{\pi}
u_t^{\pi} = c \varepsilon_t^{MP} + d \varepsilon_t^{\pi}
Each reduced-form shock is a \textbf{weighted average} of structural shocks,
where \(a,b,c,d\) represents the amounts by which a particular structural shock contributes to the variation in each residual.

\item There is not enough information to solve this system of equations, because in \(B_0\) we have 4 unknowns,
but due to symmetry from \(\Sigma_u = B_0^{-1} B_0^{-1'}\) we only have 3 elements in \(\Sigma_u\): two variances and one covariance.
More generally, the covariance structure leaves \(K(K-1)/2\) degrees of freedom in specifying \(B_0^{-1}\)
and hence further restrictions are needed to achieve identification.

Some popular strategies:
\item Recursive ordering of variables (aka orthogonalization):
In the above example, we would set \(b=0\) to get a lower triangular \(B_0^{-1}\).
The \emph{economics} behind this choice is based on \emph{delay} assumptions,
i.e.\ how long it takes for a variable to react to a certain shock.
We can think of the structural shock in terms of the effect it exerts \textbf{contemporaneously} on the variable of interest:
\(\partial y_t = u_t = B_0^{-1} \varepsilon_t\), so we could write:
\begin{pmatrix} i_t \\ \pi_t \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} a & 0 \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \varepsilon_t^{MP} \\ \varepsilon_t^{\pi} \end{pmatrix}
This lower triangular structure can be obtained by e.g.\ a Cholesky decomposition of \(\Sigma_u\) and yields \textbf{exact identification}.
The order of variables, however, matters!
\item Short-run restrictions: Exclusion restrictions on the impact matrix \(B_0^{-1}\), more flexible than orthogonalization.
\item Separating transitory from permanent components by assuming long-run structural relationships,
i.e.\ on the long-run multiplier matrix \({(I-A(L))}^{-1} B_0^{-1}\).
\item Combination of short-run and long-run relationships.
\item Sign restrictions: Take the Cholesky decomposition which yields exact identification \(\Sigma_u = B_0^{-1}B_0^{-1'} = P P'\).
In this special case: \({B_0}^{-1}=P\), but this is just \textbf{ONE} possible solution.
It is also possible to decompose \(\Sigma_u = \tilde{P}\tilde{P}'\), where \(\tilde{P} = PQ'\) and \(Q\) is an orthogonal rotation matrix: \(Q'Q = QQ'=I\);
that is, \(\tilde{P}\) and \(P\) are \textbf{observationally equivalent}, because they both reproduce \(\Sigma_u\).
\(Q\) is called a rotation matrix because it allows us to \emph{rotate} the initial Cholesky (recursive) matrix while maintaining the property that shocks are uncorrelated.
Put differently, it helps us generate new weights!
This is the basic idea of sign restrictions:
Examine a large number of candidate impact matrices by repeatedly drawing at random from the set of orthogonal matrices \(Q\).
For each \(B_0^{-1}\) check whether the candidate impact matrix is compatible with the sign restrictions that characterize a certain structural shock.
Then we construct the set of admissable models based on accepted draws.

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions exercises/ml_var_p_solution.tex
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\item From the univariate case (and undergraduate econometrics),
we know that both estimators are identical;
hence, the asymptotic normal distribution holds as well.

\item Taking the derivative of the conditional log-likelihood function with respect to \(\Sigma_u\) yields:
\widetilde{\Sigma}_u = \frac{\hat{U}\hat{U}'}{T}
where \(\hat{U}\) are both the ML and OLS residuals (as \(\widetilde{A}=\widehat{A}\)).
Note that from previous exercises in the univariate case
we have already seen that the only difference to the OLS estimator of \(\Sigma_u\)
is given in the fact that for ML we don't correct the degrees of freedom,
but simply divide by the \textbf{effective} sample size used in the estimation \(T\).

\item See the previous exercise, as the \texttt{VARReducedForm} function also outputs the ML estimate of \(\Sigma_u\):

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions exercises/ols_var_p_solution.tex
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\item The dimensions are: \(y_t\) is \(K \times 1\), \(Y\) is \(K \times T\), \(u_t\) is \(K \times 1\),
\(U\) is \(K \times T\), \(c\) is \(K \times 1\), \(A_1\) is \(K \times K\), \ldots, \(A_p\) is \(K \times K\),
\(A\) is \(K \times (1+pK)\), \(\alpha\) is \((pK^2+K) \times 1\),
\(Z_{t-1}\) is \((1+pK) \times 1\), \(Z\) is \((Kp+1) \times T\),
\(\Sigma_u\) is \(K \times K\) and \(\Sigma_{\hat{\alpha}}\) is \((pK^2+K) \times (pK^2+K)\).

\item A modified version looks like this.
Note that it also includes OLS estimation of each equation in turn.

\item The OLS estimation of the three variables VAR model might look like this:
The data for Federal Funds Rate as well as the GNP Deflator Inflation do seem to have some trend in it, but nothing serious.
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions progs/matlab/VARReducedForm.m
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function VAR = VARReducedForm(ENDO,nlag,opt)
% VAR = VARReducedForm(ENDO,nlag,opt)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Perform vector estimation with OLS and Gaussian-ML of a VAR(p) model:
% y_t = [c d A_1 ... A_p] [1 t y_{t-1}' ... y_{t-p}']' + u(t) = A Z_{t-1} + u_t
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% - ENDO: [nobs x nvar] matrix of endogenous variables, nobs is number of observations and nvar is number of variables
% - nlag: [integer] lag length
% - opt: [structure] optional, with possible fields
% * const [flag] 0 no constant; 1 constant; 2 constant and linear trend
% * dispestim [boolean] 1: display estimation results, 0: do not
% * eqOLS [boolean] 1: perform additional estimation for each equation in turn, 0: do not
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% VAR: structure including VAR estimation results with the following fields:
% * ENDO: [nobs x nvar] matrix of endogenous variables
% * nlag: [integer] lag length
% * opt: [structure] options used in estimation
% * Z: [(opt.const+nvar*nlag)x(nobs-nlag)] matrix of regressors
% * Y: [nvar x (nobs-nlag)] matrix of lagged endogenous variables actually used in estimation
% * A: [nvar x (opt.const+nvar*nlag] matrix of estimated coefficients
% * residuals: [(nobs-nlag) x 1] vector of residuals
% * SigmaOLS: [nvar x nvar] OLS estimate of covariance matrix of innovations u
% * SigmaML: [nvar x nvar] ML estimate of covariance matrix of innovations u
% * Acomp [nvar*nlag x nvar*nlag] matrix of companion VAR(1) form
% * maxEig [double] maximum absolute Eigenvalue of Acomp
% Moreover, equation by equation OLS estimation results can be accessed
% by the substructures VAR.eqj where j=1,...,nvar, i.e. VAR.eq1, VAR.eq2,...
% with the following fields for equation j
% * beta: [opt.const+nvar*nlag x 1] double vector of regression coefficients
% * yhat: [(nobs-nlag) x 1] predicted values of endogenous variable
% * resid: [(nobs-nlag) x 1] residuals
% * sige: [double] estimated standard error of error term
% * bstd: [opt.const+nvar*nlag x 1] estimated standard error of regression coefficients
% * bint: [opt.const+nvar*nlag x 2] confidence intervall for regression coefficients
% * tstat: [opt.const+nvar*nlag x 1] t-statistic of regression coefficients
% * rsqr: [double] determination coefficient
% * rbar: [double] adjusted determination coefficient
% * dw: [double] Durbin-Watson statistic
% * y: [(nobs-nlag) x 1] endogenous variable used in estimation
% * x: [(nobs-nlag) x (opt.const+nvar*nlag)] exogenous variables used in estimation
% * nobs: [double] effective sample size used in estimation
% * nvar: [double] number of exogenous variables
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% - OLSmodel.m: builtin function (see below) to robustly estimate regression models with ols
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Willi Mutschler, November 29, 2022, [email protected]
% Codes are based on
% - vare.m function of James P. LeSage
% - VARmodel.m function of Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

%% Get some parameters and set defaults
if nargin < 2
error('You need to specify the number of lags ''nlag''.');
if nlag < 1
error('nlag needs to be positive');

% set default options
if nargin < 3
opt.const = 1;
opt.dispestim = true;
opt.eqOLS = true;

if ~isfield(opt,'const')
opt.const = 1;
if ~ismember(opt.const,[0,1,2])
error('''opt.const'' can only take values 0, 1, or 2');

if ~isfield(opt,'dispestim')
opt.dispestim = 1;

if ~isfield(opt,'eqOLS')
opt.eqOLS = 1;

[nobs, nvar] = size(ENDO);
% feasability check
if nobs < nvar
error('The number of observations is smaller than the number of variables, you probably need to transpose the ''ENDO'' input.')
nobs_eff = nobs - nlag; % effective sample size used in estimation

%% create independent vector and lagged dependent matrix
% Y = [y_{nlag+1},..., y_{nobs}] is [nvarx(nobs-nlag)] matrix of lagged endogenous variables; note that we need to start in t=nlag+1 not in t=1
Y = transpose(ENDO((nlag+1):nobs,:));

% Z = [Z_{nlag} Z_{nlag+1} ... Z_{nobs-1}] is [(opt.const+nvar*nlag)x(nobs-nlag)] matrix of regressors
Z = transpose(lagmatrix(ENDO,[1:nlag]));
Z = Z(:,nlag+1:nobs); % remove initial observations
% add deterministic terms if any
if opt.const == 1
Z = [ones(1,nobs_eff); Z];
elseif opt.const == 2
Z=[ones(1,nobs_eff); (nlag+1):nobs; Z];

%% compute the matrix of coefficients and covariance matrix
A = (Y*Z')/(Z*Z'); % OLS and Gaussian ML estimate
U = Y-A*Z; % OLS and Gaussian ML residuals
UUt = U*U'; % sum of squared residuals
SIGOLSu = (1/(nobs_eff-nvar*nlag-opt.const))*UUt; % OLS: adjusted for number of estimated coefficients
SIGMLu = (1/nobs_eff)*UUt; % Gaussian ML: not adjusted for number of estimated coefficients

% compute maximum absolute Eigenvalue of companion VAR(1) matrix to check for stability
Acomp = [A(:,1+opt.const:nvar*nlag+opt.const);
eye(nvar*(nlag-1)) zeros(nvar*(nlag-1),nvar)];
maxEig = max(abs(eig(Acomp)));

%% OLS estimation equation by equation
if opt.eqOLS == 1
for j=1:nvar
y = Y(j,:)';
x = Z';
% put into structure
aux = sprintf('eq%d',j); % this creates strings 'eq1' 'eq2' 'eq3' which you can use below, i.e. VAR.(aux) is then VAR.eq1, VAR.eq2, etc.
VAR.(aux) = OLSmodel(y,x); %uses built-in function (see below)

%% display estimation results
if opt.dispestim
if opt.const == 0
estimtable = table([]);
elseif opt.const == 1
nuhat = A(:,1);
estimtable = table(nuhat);
elseif opt.const == 2
nuhat = A(:,1);
timehat = A(:,2);
estimtable = table(nuhat,timehat);
ntrend = size(estimtable,2);
Ai = reshape(A(:,(1+ntrend):end),[nvar,nvar,nlag]);
for ii = 1:nlag
estimtable = [estimtable table(Ai(:,:,ii),'VariableNames', {sprintf('Ahat%d',ii)})];
disp([table(SIGOLSu) table(SIGMLu)]);

%% save into structure
VAR.nlag = nlag;
VAR.opt = opt;
VAR.Z = Z;
VAR.Y = Y;
VAR.A = A;
VAR.residuals = U;
VAR.SigmaML = SIGMLu; % Maximum Likelihood COV Matrix is not adjusted for # of estimated coefficients
VAR.Acomp = Acomp;
VAR.maxEig = maxEig;

%% OLSmodel.m
function OLS = OLSmodel(y,x,meth)
% OLS = OLSmodel(y,x)
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% - y: dependent variable vector (nobs x 1)
% - x: independent variables matrix (nobs x nvar)
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% - OLS: structure including OLS estimation results
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Based on OLSmodel.m from Ambrogio Cesa Bianchi and olse.m from James P.
% LeSage and fn_ols.m from Tao Tzha (Dynare implemenation).
if nargin < 3
meth = 0; % use SVD decomposition, it is not the fastest but most robust to compute the inverse
signifVal = 0.05;
[T, K] = size(x);
%% compute inv(X'X)
if meth == 0 % use SVD decomposition
[u d v] = svd(x,0);
vd = v.*(ones(size(v,2),1)*diag(d)');
dinv = 1./diag(d);
vdinv = v.*(ones(size(v,2),1)*dinv');
xtxinv = vdinv*vdinv';
uy = u'*y;
xty = vd*uy;
beta = xtxinv*xty;
yhat = u*uy;
if T < 10000 % use QR decomposition
[~, r] = qr(x,0);
xtxinv = (r'*r)\eye(K);
else % use built-in functions
xtxinv = (x'*x)\eye(K);
beta = xtxinv*(x'*y);
yhat = x*beta;
resid = y - yhat;
sigu = resid'*resid;
sige = sigu/(T-K);
tmp = (sige)*(diag(xtxinv));
sigb = sqrt(tmp);
tcrit = -tinv(signifVal/2,T);
bint = [beta-tcrit.*sigb, beta+tcrit.*sigb];
tsta = beta./(sigb);

ym = y - mean(y);
rsqr1 = sigu;
rsqr2 = ym'*ym;
rsqr = 1.0 - rsqr1/rsqr2;
rsqr1 = rsqr1/(T-K);
rsqr2 = rsqr2/(T-1.0);
if rsqr2 ~= 0
rbar = 1 - (rsqr1/rsqr2);
rbar = rsqr;
ediff = resid(2:T) - resid(1:T-1);
dw = (ediff'*ediff)/sigu; % durbin-watson

% put into output structure
OLS.beta = beta;
OLS.yhat = yhat;
OLS.resid = resid;
OLS.sige = sige;
OLS.bstd = sigb;
OLS.tstat = tsta;
OLS.rsqr = rsqr;
OLS.rbar = rbar;
OLS.dw = dw;
OLS.y = y;
OLS.x = x;
OLS.nobs = T;
OLS.nvar = K;

end % OLSmodel end

end % main Function end

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