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Country Codes

Convert country name on different languages to its corresponding ISO code.

How to use

First add the following import statement to access the library:

import io.wunderschild.country_codes._

To retrieve information on a particular country, use object ICOCountryCodes. It returns a lookup table that can be used to resolve a country by name or any other fields. It takes two arguments, the first one specifies the language of the country names, the second one specifies on which fields a lookup table should be built.

By default, the table is built on fields with official and others country names. On lookup returns an Option[Country] object. It contains general information on the corresponding country, including alpha2 and alpha3 ISO-3166 Country Codes.

scala> val lt = ISOCountryCodes(localization = "ru")
scala> lt.lookup("Российская Федерация")
res1: Option[Country] = Some(RU)