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SystemTray Addin

DamianSuess edited this page Dec 18, 2018 · 2 revisions


The SystemTray ExtensionPoint is one of our key productivity extension points defined by the path, /ToolsHub/SystemTray. The definition for this can be found in the ToolsHub.addin.xml manifest file.

Name Type
ExtensionPoint Path /ToolsHub/SystemTray
ExtensionNode SysTrayAddin

Extension Model

Below are some examples of how to create add-ins which extend the application NotificationIcon in the SystemTray.

XML Manifest

ToolsHub.addin.xml manifest file declares the extension point using the following code.

XML - ExtensionPoint

  <ExtensionPoint path="/ToolsHub/SystemTray">
    <ExtensionNode name="SysTrayAddin" objectType="Xeno.ToolsHub.ExtensionModel.SystemTray.SysTrayAddin" />

XMl - Add-in Example

Remember, you'll need to set your Example.addin as an Embeded Resource in Visual Studio's Properties window.

File: Example.addin

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <Extension path="/ToolsHub/SystemTray">
    <SysTrayAddin type="Xeno.ToolsHub.LocalAddins.ExampleSysTray.ExampleSysTrayAddin " />

Now you'll need the C# class to wire into

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Xeno.ToolsHub.LocalAddins.ExampleSysTray
  public class ExampleSysTrayAddin : Xeno.ToolsHub.ExtensionModel.SystemTray.SysTrayAddin
    public string Title => "Example SysTray Add-in";

    public override List<MenuItem> MenuItems()
      var items = new List<MenuItem>();
      items.Add(new MenuItem("Sample Item Text"));

      return items;

Code Manifest

If we wanted to use pure C# code and not create an XML manifest file, we could easily do so using the following example.

Notice how clean the example is. It only takes 3 lines of code (really one), and no need to create an XML file, or having to worry about typos in your manifest file. Honestly, this is recommended for first-timers.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Xeno.ToolsHub.LocalAddins.ExampleSysTray
  [Mono.Addins.Extension(Id = "ExampleSysTrayAddin",
                         NodeName = "SysTrayAddin",
                         Path = "/ToolsHub/SystemTray")]
  public class ExampleSysTrayAddin : Xeno.ToolsHub.ExtensionModel.SystemTray.SysTrayAddin
    public string Title => "Example SysTray Add-in";

    public override List<MenuItem> MenuItems()
      var items = new List<MenuItem>();
      items.Add(new MenuItem("Sample Item Text"));

      return items;