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log4g is a logging framework that's interface like java log4j.

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log4g is a logging framework that's interface like java log4j. it's designed for configurable and pluggable logging.

Brief Introduce

core concepts:

  • Formatter:the logger formatter which is identified by name attribute, and type attribute represents the type of formatter.
  • Output: the logger output target which is identified by name attribute, and type attribute represents the type of the output target. An output is associated with a formatter.
  • Logger:the logger instances which is identified by name attribute. Each logger can be associated with multiple outputs.


the logger name separating by / and ., for example, the logger named module is the parent logger named module/submodule. When the child logger is not set, it' configuration of Output and Level will inherit the parent logger configuration.

Logger level are: All<Trace<Debug<Info<Warn<Error<Critical<Off

The output level of one logger can be configured in the configuration file without case discrimination.


the layout of default Formatter is to parse %{verb} format string, the type attribute of it is text.

the verb format:%{verbName:fmtstr}:

  • verbName is a field name
  • fmtstr is a format output definitions for the field, it supports standard Go format lattices

for example: %{pid:05d}, 05d means that at least five characters are output, supplemented by 0 .

anothe example: %{module}|%{lvl:5s}>>%{msg}

all support verb as follow:

  • %{pid}: The process id (int)
  • %{program}: The basename of os.Args[0] (string)
  • %{module}: The logger name
  • %{msg}: The content by using Debug(...) or Debugf(...) methods or others of a logger
  • %{level}: The uppercase loglevel name, eg. DEBUG
  • %{lvl}: The uppercase short log level name, eg. DBG
  • %{line}: The line number
  • %{longfile}: The full file path,eg. /a/b/c/d.go
  • %{shortfile}: The file basename, eg. d.go
  • %{longpkg}: The full package name, eg.
  • %{shortpkg}: The package basename, eg. log4g
  • %{longfunc}: The full function name, eg. littleEndian.PutUint32
  • %{shortfunc}: The base function name, eg. PutUint32
  • %{time}: The time when log occurred,eg. %{time:2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z-07:00}
  • %{xxx}: When using the WithCtx or WithFields method of a logger, xxx represents searching for content from the list of output fields.




The configuration file format supports YAML and JSON formats. For definitions, refer to the Config structure in logger_api.go.


  - name: f1     # Name of format for output reference
    type: text   # Currently only text
    layout: "%{time} %{level} %{module} %{pid:6d} >> %{msg} (%{longfile}:%{line}) \n"


  - name: c1          # Name of output for logger reference
    type: console     # Ouput log content into console
    format: f1        # Referenced formatter name
    #async: true      # Whether to start asynchrony ouput log content
    #queue_size: 100  # The length of the queue when enable asynchronous
    #batch_num: 10    # Batch 10 items submitted to the target together when enable asynchronous
    #threshold: info
  - name: r1
    type: size_rolling_file # The type of rolling 
    format: f1
    file: log/rf.log   # The current written output file name
    file_perm: 0640    # The file permissions being written
    back_perm: 0550    # The file permissions that have been backup rolling
    dir_perm: 0750     # The direction permissions
    size: 1M           # When this value is exceeded, make a backup rolling
    backups: 5         # The number of backup rolling
    #archive: gzip     # The archive type of the backup logs, zip or gzip
    #name_mode: prefix # The backup name type, prefix or postfix, log/rf.log->log/rf.log.1 or log/rf.log->log/rf.1.log
    #async: true       # Whether to start asynchrony ouput log content
    #queue_size: 100   # The length of the queue when enable asynchronous
    #batch_num: 10     # Batch 10 items submitted to the target together when enable asynchronous
    #threshold: info
  - name: r2
    type: time_rolling_file # The type of rolling
    format: f1
    file: log/rf2.log
    file_perm: 0640
    back_perm: 0550
    dir_perm: 0750
    pattern: 2006-01-02   # The date format for backup rolling
    backups: 5
    #archive: gzip
    #name_mode: prefix
    #async: true
    #queue_size: 100
    #batch_num: 10
    #threshold: info
  - name: s1
    type: syslog
    format: f1
    prefix: module


import ""

func main() {

	// optional, load config from a file
	// err := log.GetManager().LoadConfigFile("log4g.yaml")
	// fmt.Printf("%v", err)

	// optional, set config by code
	//cfg := &api.Config{
	//	Loggers: []api.CfgLogger{
	//		{Name: "root", Level: "all", OutputNames: []string{"c1"}},
	//	},
	//	Formats: []api.CfgFormat{
	//		{"type": "text", "name": "f1", "layout": "%{time} %{level} %{module} %{pid:6d} >> %{msg} (%{longfile}:%{line}) \n"},
	//	},
	//	Outputs: []api.CfgOutput{
	//		{"type": "console", "name": "c1", "format": "f1"},
	//	},
	//_ = log.GetManager().SetConfig(cfg)

	dlog := log.GetLogger("a/b")
	dlog.Info("info message")

	// optional, manually close manager
	// log.GetManager().Close()



  • extend Formatter
  • extend Output

Task List

  • Logger formwork
  • Formatter
    • Text: parse %{verb} layout
  • Output
    • Console
      • sync
      • async
    • Rolling file by size
      • sync
      • async
      • backup and compress
    • Rolling file by date
      • sync
      • async
      • backup and compress
    • Syslog
      • sync
  • validate configuration parameters
  • more test case


Thanks to the follow open source project for this project port some code from them:


log4g is a logging framework that's interface like java log4j.







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