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Yahiko Uzumaki edited this page Jul 19, 2017 · 27 revisions


  • Loading screen.
  • Critical modules into WebAssembly.
  • Planet generation.
  • Add Interaction with the cursor (zoom in/out).
  • Web Workers.
  • Add Spike effect (4-point stars).
  • Add supernovae.
  • Heat gradient.
  • Vignetting.
  • Improve the shape of nebulae.
  • Improve nebulae parametrization.
  • Save Screenshot.
  • Save Animated GIF.
  • Fullscreen.
  • Player bar.
  • Rewrite GUI module (dat.gui) in full TypeScript.
  • Import/Export parameters. (cf. particles.js)
  • Black holes : Twist filter (
  • Displacement filter for Nebulae
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