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Count Tokens of Code.

Token counts play a key role in shaping a Large Language Model's (LLM) memory and conversation history. They're vital for prompt engineering and token cost estimation. Various strategies in prompt engineering (e.g., contextual filtering and reranking) predominantly aim at token compression to counteract LLM's context size limit.

ctoc provides a lightweight tool for analyzing codebases at the token level. It incorporates all the features of cloc. (You can use ctoc in a cloc-consistent manner.)

Built on top of gocloc, ctoc is extremely fast.

GoDoc ci Go Report Card

What are Tokens? (in the context of Large Language Model)
  • Tokens: basic units of text/code for LLM AI models to process/generate language.
  • Tokenization: splitting input/output texts into smaller units for LLM AI models.
  • Vocabulary size: the number of tokens each model uses, which varies among different GPT models.
  • Tokenization cost: affects the memory and computational resources that a model needs, which influences the cost and performance of running an OpenAI or Azure OpenAI model.



Install from GitHub release:

curl -sL "$(uname)_$(uname -m).tar.gz" | tar xz && chmod +x ctoc && ctoc -h

Alternatively, you can install via go install (requires Go 1.19+):

go install


Basic Usage

$ ctoc -h
  ctoc [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
      --by-file                                              report results for every encountered source file
      --sort=[name|files|blank|comment|code|tokens]          sort based on a certain column (default: code)
      --output-type=                                         output type [values: default,cloc-xml,sloccount,json] (default: default)
      --exclude-ext=                                         exclude file name extensions (separated commas)
      --include-lang=                                        include language name (separated commas)
      --match=                                               include file name (regex)
      --not-match=                                           exclude file name (regex)
      --match-d=                                             include dir name (regex)
      --not-match-d=                                         exclude dir name (regex)
      --debug                                                dump debug log for developer
      --skip-duplicated                                      skip duplicated files
      --show-lang                                            print about all languages and extensions
      --version                                              print version info
      --show-encoding                                        print about all LLM models and their corresponding encodings
      --encoding=[cl100k_base|p50k_base|p50k_edit|r50k_base] specify tokenizer encoding (default: cl100k_base)

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                                 Show this help message
$ ctoc .
Language                     files          blank        comment           code           tokens
Go                              15            282            153           2096          21839
XML                              3              0              0            140           1950
YAML                             1              0              0             40            237
Markdown                         1             13              0             34            322
Makefile                         1              6              0             15            128
TOTAL                           21            301            153           2325          24476

Advanced Usage

Specify the output type as JSON:

$ ctoc --output-type=json .

# For gpt-4, the price is $0.03/1k prompt tokens
$ echo "scale=2; 0.03*$(ctoc --output-type=json . | jq ".total.tokens")/1000" | bc

Print the token count for each Go file separately and sort them by token count:

$ ctoc --by-file --include-lang=Go --sort=tokens .
File                        files          blank        comment           code           tokens
language.go                                   31              8            647           8673
file_test.go                                  72             13            481           4136
cmd/ctoc/main.go                              39             16            267           2534
file.go                                       32              7            188           1720
utils.go                                      21              7            133            961
utils_test.go                                 17             78             13            891
language_test.go                              22              0             79            661
xml.go                                        11             10             70            636
gocloc.go                                      9              4             62            448
json.go                                        6              4             47            402
json_test.go                                   4              1             33            312
option.go                                      5              5             29            266
examples/languages/main.go                     5              0             23            131
examples/files/main.go                         5              0             23            130
bspool.go                                      4              0             14             72
tools.go                                       2              2              4             27
TOTAL                          16            285            155           2113          22000

Support Languages

Same as gocloc

$ ctoc --show-lang

Support Models

$ ctoc --show-encoding
text-embedding-ada-002         (cl100k_base)
code-search-babbage-code-001   (r50k_base)
gpt-3.5-turbo                  (cl100k_base)
text-embedding-3-large         (cl100k_base)
gpt2                           (gpt2)
babbage                        (r50k_base)
code-cushman-002               (p50k_base)
text-similarity-davinci-001    (r50k_base)
text-similarity-curie-001      (r50k_base)
text-similarity-ada-001        (r50k_base)
text-search-ada-doc-001        (r50k_base)
code-cushman-001               (p50k_base)
cushman-codex                  (p50k_base)
gpt-4                          (cl100k_base)
text-davinci-002               (p50k_base)
text-davinci-001               (r50k_base)
davinci-codex                  (p50k_base)
text-search-babbage-doc-001    (r50k_base)
text-davinci-003               (p50k_base)
text-curie-001                 (r50k_base)
text-babbage-001               (r50k_base)
text-ada-001                   (r50k_base)
code-davinci-002               (p50k_base)
text-davinci-edit-001          (p50k_edit)
text-search-davinci-doc-001    (r50k_base)
code-search-ada-code-001       (r50k_base)
davinci                        (r50k_base)
curie                          (r50k_base)
code-davinci-001               (p50k_base)
gpt-4o                         (o200k_base)
ada                            (r50k_base)
code-davinci-edit-001          (p50k_edit)
text-embedding-3-small         (cl100k_base)
text-similarity-babbage-001    (r50k_base)
text-search-curie-doc-001      (r50k_base)

The BPE dictionary is automatically downloaded and cached upon its initial run for each encoding.
For additional information, please refer to tiktoken-go#cache

Specify Tokenizer Encoding

You can specify the encoding with the --encoding flag:

  • cl100k_base is the default encoding for gpt-4, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo.
  • o200k_base is the default encoding for gpt-4o.
$ ctoc --encoding=cl100k_base .
Language                     files          blank        comment           code           tokens
Go                              16            286            155           2113          21995
Markdown                         1             42              0            183           2585
YAML                             1              0              0             40            237
Makefile                         1              7              0             19            149
TOTAL                           19            335            155           2355          24966

$ ctoc --encoding=o200k_base .
Language                     files          blank        comment           code           tokens
Go                              16            286            155           2113          22109
Markdown                         1             42              0            183           2596
YAML                             1              0              0             40            237
Makefile                         1              7              0             19            150
TOTAL                           19            335            155           2355          25092


  • CPU 2.6GHz 6core Intel Core i7 / 32GB 2667MHz DDR4 / MacOSX 13.5.2
  • ctoc 7473a0
  • cl100k_base encoding (with BPE dictionary cached)
➜  kubernetes git:(master) time ctoc .
Language                     files          blank        comment           code           tokens
Go                           15172         503395         992193        3921496       53747627
JSON                           430              2              0        1011821       10428573
YAML                          1224            612           1464         156024         974131
Markdown                       461          24842            170          93141        3251948
BASH                           318           6522          12788          33010         528217
Protocol Buffers               130           5864          19379          12809         358110
Assembly                        50           2212            925           8447         129534
Plain Text                      31            203              0           6664          48218
Makefile                        58            594            940           2027          31548
Bourne Shell                     9            154            119            687           8055
sed                              4              4             32            439           3138
Python                           7            114            160            418           5435
Zsh                              1             14              3            191           1872
PowerShell                       3             44             79            181           2496
C                                5             42             55            140           1799
TOML                             6             31            107            101           2049
HTML                             2              0              0              2             21
Batch                            1              2             17              2            170
TOTAL                        17912         544651        1028431        5247600       69522941
ctoc .  160.09s user 8.08s system 119% cpu 2:20.96 total`
