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System info in discord rpc.

  • Details: CPU Usage
  • State: Ram Uage
  • Big Image Text: CPU Name
  • Big Image: User Provided / Random Pinterest Image
  • Small Image Text: Distro Name
  • Small Image: User Provided / OS Logo
  • Buttons: User Provided
  • Timestamp: System Uptime / None


  "clientId" // String - Client id of the application from discord developer portal. Determines the name of RPC
  "largeImage" //  String - Key For the large image correspoding to asset name uploaded on discord developer portal or image link.
  "smallImage" //  String - Key For the small image correspoding to asset name uploaded on discord developer portal or image link.
  "buttons" // Array<{label: string; url: string;}> - Buttons to be shown on RPC.
  "timestamp" // Boolean - Whether to show uptime as timestamp or not.
  "interval" // Number - In how much Time (ms) to get system info and update RPC.



Use Package Manager to install all these.

  • Personally Recommeding Scoop.

Getting Started

  • Clone the Repository (git clone <repo url>)
  • Install the dependencies (pnpm install)
  • Build Project (pnpm build)
  • Start Project (pnpm start)


Refer to config above and make the desired change in the config.json found at root directory of project.


  • Get it to work
  • Readme / License / Workflow
  • Auto reconnect
  • Working retries
  • Accurate CPU Usage
  • Bundling into executable
  • GUI
  • Make all strings customizable, assigning placeholders to system info.
  • Add to package managers


Is this bannable by discord?

  • Long Story Short, NO.
  • Long Story, not particularly since it's an RPC just like any other external application but even lucifer wouldn't know what discord might ban.

Is there better way to do this?

  • Probably yes, but this is what I made. Let me know if there is a better way.

How Do I contribute?

  • Fork.
  • Make Changes.
  • Make sure it works and lint gives no errors.
  • Pull request.

(Lint Not necessary but recommended.)

How to give bug report or recommendation?

  • Github issues
  • Join Discord Server listed below

How Do I support without pull request?

  • You Can Donate on my ko-fi or UPI at

Buy Me a Coffee at

Where can I find the support?

There is support server. You can join it here:

Support Server

Who is the author?

Discord Presence