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Numo::Liblinear is a Ruby gem binding to the LIBLINEAR library. LIBLINEAR is one of the famous libraries for large-scale regularized linear classification and regression. Numo::Liblinear makes to use the LIBLINEAR functions with dataset represented by Numo::NArray.

Note: There are other useful Ruby gems binding to LIBLINEAR: liblinear-ruby by Kei Tsuchiya and liblinear-ruby-swig by Tom Zeng.


Numo::Liblinear bundles LIBLINEAR. There is no need to install LIBLINEAR in advance.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'numo-liblinear'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install numo-liblinear



In the following examples, we use red-datasets to download dataset.

$ gem install red-datasets-numo-narray

Example 1. Cross-validation

We conduct cross validation of the Support Vector Classifier on Iris dataset.

require 'numo/narray'
require 'numo/liblinear'
require 'datasets-numo-narray'

# Download Iris dataset.
puts 'Download dataset.'
iris ='iris').to_narray
x = iris[true, 1..-1]
y = iris[true, 0]

# Define parameters of L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification.
param = {
  solver_type: Numo::Liblinear::SolverType::L2R_L2LOSS_SVC_DUAL,
  C: 1

# Perform 5-cross validation.
puts 'Perform cross validation.'
n_folds = 5
predicted = Numo::Liblinear::cv(x, y, param, n_folds)

# Print mean accuracy.
mean_accuracy = y.eq(predicted).count.fdiv(y.size)
puts "Accuracy: %.1f %%" % (100 * mean_accuracy)

Execution result in the following:

Download dataset.
Perform cross validation.
Accuracy: 87.3 %

Example 2. Pendigits dataset classification

We first train the Logistic Regression using training pendigits dataset.

require 'numo/liblinear'
require 'datasets-numo-narray'

# Download pendigits training dataset.
puts 'Download dataset.'
pendigits ='pendigits').to_narray
x = pendigits[true, 1..-1]
y = pendigits[true, 0]

# Define parameters of L2-regularized logistic regression.
param = {
  solver_type: Numo::Liblinear::SolverType::L2R_LR_DUAL,
  C: 1

# Perform training procedure.
puts 'Train logistic regression.'
model = Numo::Liblinear.train(x, y, param)

# Save parameters and trained model.
puts 'Save parameters and model with Marshal''pendigits.dat', 'wb') { |f| f.write(Marshal.dump([param, model])) }
Download dataset.
Train logistic regression.
Save parameters and model with Marshal

We then predict labels of testing dataset, and evaluate the classifier.

require 'numo/liblinear'
require 'datasets-numo-narray'

# Download pendigits testing dataset.
puts 'Download dataset.'
pendigits_test ='pendigits', note: 'testing').to_narray
x = pendigits_test[true, 1..-1]
y = pendigits_test[true, 0]

# Load parameter and model.
puts 'Load parameter and model.'
param, model = Marshal.load(File.binread('pendigits.dat'))

# Predict labels.
puts 'Predict labels.'
predicted = Numo::Liblinear.predict(x, param, model)

# Evaluate classification results.
mean_accuracy = y.eq(predicted).count.fdiv(y.size)
puts "Accuracy: %.1f %%" % (100 * mean_accuracy)
Download dataset.
Load parameter and model.
Predict labels.
Accuracy: 87.9 %


The hyperparemter of LIBLINEAR is given with Ruby Hash on Numo::Liblinear. The hash key of hyperparameter and its meaning match the struct parameter of LIBLINEAR. The parameter is detailed in LIBLINEAR README

param = {
  solver_type:                    # [Integer] Type of Solver
  eps: 0.01,                      # [Float] Stopping criterion
  C: 1,                           # [Float] Cost of constraints violation
  nr_weight: 3,                   # [Integer] Number of weights
  weight_label:                   # [Numo::Int32] Labels to add weight
    Numo::Int32[0, 1, 2],
  weight:                         # [Numo::DFloat] Weight values
    Numo::DFloat[0.4, 0.4, 0.2],
  p: 0.1,                         # [Float] Sensitiveness of loss of support vector regression
  nu: 0.5,                        # [Float] one-class SVM approximates the fraction of data as outliers
  verbose: false,                 # [Boolean] Whether to output learning process message
  random_seed: 1                  # [Integer/Nil] Random seed


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause License.