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Registration form




The form includes the following details about a user:

  1. Full name
  2. Username
  3. Birth date
  4. Phone number
  5. Address
  6. Password
  7. Profile picture
  8. E-mail

Each user should have a unique username.

Profile pictures are stored on the server and referenced in the User table in the database.

Beside the birth date field in the form, there should be a button that when clicked, a list of actors who are born on the same day is shown. Use this API: Online Movie Database, specifically these two endpoints:

  • actors/list-born-today: Retrieves a list of actors born in a same input day.
  • actors/get-bio: Retrieves actor details by passing an actor ID.

How to run:

Before running, take a look at php.ini and make sure that the extensions_dir variable is defined correctly.

Also, open db.php, and change the database credentials:

$database = new Database("<HOST>", "<DATABASE_NAME>", "<USERNAME>", "<PASSWORD>");

Then, run the following command:

php -S localhost:8000 -c ./php.ini