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WordPress Theme with Administrator Setting based in Underscores (_s)


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WP Theme Zone requires the following dependencies:


🛠 Includes
📦 Theme Administrator
🔥 Latest Bootstrap and Font Awesome
🎨 Next Generation CSS
✂️ Source Maps
🎒 Code Minification
🌈 Lazy Loading for the images
🤖 External Libraries
🛎 Production ready ZIP theme


There are several ways to install WP Theme Zone. We'll look at three of them: (1) classic install by uploading WP Theme Zone to a WordPress install, and (2) using npm

Classic install

  • Download or clone this repository from Github
  • IMPORTANT: If you download it from GitHub make sure you rename the "" file just to "" or you might have problems using child themes!
  • Upload it into your WordPress installation theme subfolder: /wp-content/themes/
  • Login to your WordPress backend
  • Go to Appearance → Themes
  • Activate the WP Theme Zone

npm install

  • Open your terminal
  • Change to the directory where you want to add WP Theme Zone
  • Type npm install wp-theme-zone

Developing With npm, Gulp and SASS and Browser Sync

Installing Dependencies

  • Make sure you have installed Node.js and Browser-Sync (optional) on your computer globally
  • Then open your terminal and browse to the location of your WP Theme Zone copy
  • Run: $ npm install : install the dependencies.
  • Run: $ gulp copy-assets : Copy all needed dependency assets files from node_modules to theme's /js, /scss and /fonts folder. Run this task after npm update.


To work with and compile your Sass files on the fly start:

  • $ gulp watch

Or, to run with Browser-Sync:

  • First change the browser-sync options to reflect your environment in the file /gulpconfig.json in the beginning of the file:
    "browserSyncOptions" : {
        "proxy": "localhost/theme_test/", // <----- CHANGE HERE
        "notify": false
  • then run: $ gulp watch-bs

Available CLI commands

Wp-theme-zone comes packed with CLI commands tailored for WordPress theme development :

  • gulp watch : automize compiling the custom css on the wp-theme-zone/sass/theme/_theme.scss with the existing css.
  • gulp compile : manual compiling the custom css on the wp-theme-zone/sass/theme/_theme.scss with the existing css.
  • gulp watch-bs : reloads page automatically on your browser.

Confused by all the CSS and Sass Files?

Some basics about the Sass and CSS files that come with WP Theme Zone:

  • The theme itself uses the /style.cssfile only to identify the theme inside of WordPress. The file is not loaded by the theme and does not include any styles.
  • The /css/theme.css and its minified little brother /css/theme.min.css file(s) provides all styles. It is composed of five different SCSS sets and one variable file at /sass/theme.scss:
// 1. Add your variables into this file. Also add variables to overwrite Bootstrap or __WP Theme Zone__ variables here
@import "theme/theme_variables"; 
// 2. All the Bootstrap stuff - Don´t edit this! 
@import "assets/bootstrap4";  
// 3. Some basic WordPress stylings and needed styles to combine Boostrap and WP Theme Zone
@import "themezone/themezone"; 
// 4. Font Awesome Icon styles
@import "assets/font-awesome";
// Any additional imported files //
// 5. Add your styles into this file
@import "theme/theme";

For Developer - Customizing the theme


  • Don’t edit the number 2-4 files/filesets listed above or you won’t be able to update WP Theme Zone without overwriting your own work!
  • Your design goes into: /sass/theme.
    • Add your styles to the /sass/theme/_theme.scss file
    • And your variables to the /sass/theme/_theme_variables.scss
    • Or add other .scss files into it and @import it into /sass/theme/_theme.scss.
    • Also you can use the variables available here src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss. But take note that don't edit that file.


  • Your script goes into: src/js/theme
    • Add your script to the src/js/theme/custom-javascript.js file

Theme Setting Hooks

There are several ways to get the settings of WP Theme Zone.

  • By using a function zn_option_get('option-id')
  • By using a shortcode do_shorcode('option-id')

For Administrator - Customizing the theme

  • Wp Theme Zone > Dashboard
    • Global
      • General // Layout
      • Copyrights // content
      • Hooks // Can Add custom SEO scripts
    • Social
      • General // Social Media links
    • Colors
      • General // Background Color of header, body, footer
    • Addons
      • General // Options to use embeded third party libraries
    • Custom CSS & JS
      • CSS // Section to add custom CSS
      • JS // Section to add custom JS


Thank you for the third party and libraries that is used into this wordpress theme.



WordPress Theme with Administrator Setting based in Underscores (_s)








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